Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 9 December 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

...and the final school week of the year is upon us!

It was a wonderful celebration of achievements at our Final Celebration Assembly today. Congratulations to all of the tamariki who were presented with certificates and awards. 
Special congratulations to Lola Harris for being awarded the Leadership Award, and to Cleo Hopkinson for the Norman Kirk Memorial Prize for Citizenship.

We also farewelled the staff who are leaving at the end of this year.
Caitlin Worsfold is moving to Ashburton where she has won a position at Ashburton Intermediate.
Emma Hayes-Smith will be taking on further study, and we hope to see her back as a reliever if she has some spare days!
Kal Walker is moving to Australia to be closer to family.
Emma Glass (Ferndale) has won a new position at South New Brighton School
Gail Beedles (Ferndale) is moving to be at the Ferndale Haeata campus
Nicola Reddicliffe, Jan Malcolm and Tracey Maloney have all had fixed-term positions this year and these are about to end. We hope to see them back in 2023 either in a relieving capacity, or in fixed-term positions if they become available.

On Thursday this coming week, all of our students will be told who their teacher will be for 2023. Following that, each new 2023 home group will spend some time, together with their new teacher, getting to know one another. 

We are looking forward to having our two new teachers, Thomas Woodfield and Bridie Arifeh, visit this Monday, to participate in a Year 7/8 planning meeting. We will make sure that they are introduced to the Year 6 and Year 7 students whilst they are here, as they won't be at Beckenham when tamariki meet their teachers on the final day of school.

On Thursday, each child will be given a letter for you that tells you about their home group for 2023, has information on it about booking a learning conference with their 2023 teacher, and will have a stationery list attached.

If your child is not at school on Thursday for any reason, this information will be emailed to you.

Our office will be closed from 1pm on Thursday for the rest of the afternoon. The office will reopen on Friday for the day, before closing at 3pm for the summer break. There will be staff at school from Tuesday 24th January, and the office will re-open properly again on Thursday 26th January.

Learning Conferences will be held on Tuesday 31st January and Wednesday 1st February, with classes starting on Thursday 2nd February.

Farewell to our Current Board of Trustees Presiding Member - Matthew Macdonald

Matthew Macdonald, who has had a 16 year association with the school, has handed in his resignation as a board member, effective from the eve of the first Board meeting of 2023 as he will no longer have any children at the school. We are extremely grateful for the service that he has given to our board, initially as a trustee, and then as our Presiding Member (Chair).
This leaves a casual vacancy on the Board, which the board have resolved to fill by selection. 
Please see the official notice about this below:

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board 
Casual vacancy for a parent representative

A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative.
The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection.
If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.
Request for a by-election should be sent to:
Matthew Macdonald email:
Presiding member (chair) 
Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Board
by 7 January 2023 

Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki / Principal

Important Dates

Wed 14 Dec - Year 8 Leavers Graduation - 11am - 12noon, followed by Leavers' Lunch
Thu 15 Dec - Last day of Term 4 - School closes at 12:30pm

Term Dates

Citizen of the Week

Isabella Guise - Year 6

Isabella, you are a calm, hardworking, and self-managing learner. You show all our kete values daily and consistently demonstrate a positive attitude in all you do. You willingly help around the hub when you see a need and this is very much appreciated. Ka rawe, Isabella.

School Notices

Free Period Products

The Ministry of Education provides period products free to schools to ensure that tamariki do not miss school as a result of not having these products available. Your child can access these at any time, and is welcome to take a supply home for the holidays. They can come to the office and speak to any of the staff, or you can come in for them. They can also speak to one of the staff in the Year 5/6 or Year 7/8 team. This offer includes both sanitary pads and tampons.

Missing Scooter

This scooter belonging to one of our tamariki went missing from the Sandwich Road bike stand on Thursday the 3rd of November and it hasn't turned up yet - maybe someone took it home by mistake?

We have a whānau keen to see it returned, so if you could please take the time to check your child's scooter and ensure it hasn't been mixed up, it would be much appreciated. If you do find it or have any information please get in touch with the Office.

Library Books and Sport Uniforms

We need your assistance to ensure the return of all sports uniforms and library books before school closes for the year. All sports tops need be returned before Thursday. Each top has a $30 replacement cost. 

Congratulations to...

Keanna Hakeagaiki who has recently come 6th in New Zealand for her weight division in weightlifting. An awesome achievement Keanna! Ka rawe!

Marching award

This past weekend after months of preparation Cammie Inglis and Hayley Rose Ruyters competed in the South Island Marching Championship where their team won First under 12 Technical Team and 3rd under 12 Display Team. These combined totals rewarded the team 1st = Champion Under 12 Marching Team.

Attached is a team photo where there are some more familiar faces with both Jayde and Isabelle Inglis past students in the team too.

PTA News

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

A list of helpful go-to places and websites to support tamariki and whānau in getting the right support:

Community Helplines

1737 - free text and phone counseling 24/7 
Youthline – 0800 376 633 or free text 234 
Depression Helpline – 0800 111 757 or free text 4202
Anxiety New Zealand - 0800 269 4389
What's Up – 0800 942 8787 (5–18-year-olds). –or email or free text 5626
Emotional Regulation:
Feel Brave: Feel brave creates content (books and videos) that helps children manage tough
emotions and reach their creative potential. It was founded by Avril McDonald who is the
author of the award-winning, best-selling Feel Brave series of books which have been translated
into seven different languages and are used and loved all over the world.

Enabling Youth: works with at risk Youth/Rangatahi and young people between 11 and 30 years
of age (Christchurch and North Canterbury) and 12 - 18 (South Canterbury). The "Getting it
Together", programme involves 10 - 15 sessions. The individualised programme operates each
week, with face-to-face sessions and supported learning, while young people are engaged in the
programme. Participants are supported or expected to practice their learning throughout the
week and review their progress with their tutor/clinician at the next session. Tutors/clinicians
are available throughout the week to assist the young people and their whanāu. Some key
challenges Enabling Youth target self-esteem, regulating emotions and behaviours, relationship
management, coping with grief and loss, problem solving and life skills.

Christchurch Methodist Mission: Work with Adults, Parents, Whānau (

Kidz need Dadz: Separation or Oranga Tamariki issues, e.g. access to their children. Fatherhood
courses. Anger management courses. Whānau dispute resolution mediation. Emotional and
practical support: for at-home, teen, expectant, and solo dads; with depression, grief, loss,
separation anxiety; for fathers of special needs children. Website:

Pillars: Support for children of prisoners

Grandparents Raising Grandkids:

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter, Rāpare (Thursday) 10 November 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

I hope that you are all enjoying the long weekend. 

Attendance Matters

You will probably have heard a discussion on the news this past week about the declining school attendance rates of NZ students, both in the primary and secondary sectors. This conversation was prompted by the release of a report by the Education Review Office this week, and you can read the summary or the full report here.
Regular attendance (90% or more) at school is something that we want to see for all of our tamariki.

Please do look carefully at your child's attendance when you get their report next week. 'Regular attendance' is classed as being 90% or more. We know that there can be specific reasons why a child's attendance may drop from time to time including illness and, this year, Covid being very likely reasons. However, when average, yearly attendance drops below 90% year after year, this has a significant impact on your child's ability to access the education they deserve and are entitled to get.
  • If a student has an average of 90% attendance, over ten years they will miss a year of school.
  • If a student has an average of 80% attendance, over five years they will miss a year of school.
  • If a student has an average of 75% attendance, they are missing a term of school each year.
  • Being at school every day matters because of the sequential nature of learning, especially in literacy and numeracy.
  • By law, students must attend school.
  • One of the highest predictors of education success is attendance levels at school.
We know that every family wants their children to be successful in learning and in life. As whānau, you play a huge role in ensuring your child attends school regularly.  If you have concerns about your child's attendance, or would like to discuss ways that we can support you to improve your child's attendance, please make contact with your child's teacher and we will be happy to meet with you.

Upcoming Roadworks - closure of Sandwich Road...

From Tuesday 15 November the intersection of Sandwich Road and Norwood Street will be closed for roadworks. This is likely for the remainder of this term.

Vehicle entry into Sandwich Road, from Eastern Tce, will be for residents, school staff, and those with accessibility needs.

To help keep the traffic flowing as easily as possible at school drop-off and pick-up times, there will be two drop-and-go zones on Eastern Terrace, on either side of Sandwich Road. The map below also highlights other areas near the school that would make good drop-off places if you usually drive children to school where you could park and walk or, for older children, drop them off.

Pedestrian access will still be available from both ends of Sandwich Road.

We encourage whānau over the coming weeks to walk or bike to school as much as possible. Alternatively, park on Fisher or Martin Ave and walk to school.

Seipp Construction Ltd is aware of the changes this will have to morning and afternoon routines. To thank the school community for their patience and understanding they are providing a prize draw next week. Everyone who walks some or all of the way to school will receive a token to go into the draw for a prize. 

The following week Seipp Construction Ltd will be providing spot prizes to be given out at the school entrances to people who are walking, scootering or biking. 

Please see the map below and the attached information from Seipp Construction Ltd.

End-of-Year Reports

These are being proof-read at the moment and we expect to publish these through HERO this coming Friday, 18 November. 

Reminder - school closes at 1pm this Thursday 17 November

Our teachers are expected to attend a paid union meeting this coming week, along with all of the other teachers in Christchurch. Due to us having almost 100% union membership, finishing at 1m on Thursday 17th will allow them all to attend at the same time; the most workable option with releivers also attending the meetings. 

Year 7/8 students are on a trip that day - they will continue with that and return to school for the usual 3pm finish. The Y7/8 teachers have the option of attending another meeting. 

If you have a student in NE-Year 6 who:
  • needs to stay at school after 1pm on Thursday, OR 
  • is being collected by someone else, OR 
  • is going to BOSCO, OR
  • you give permission to travel home independently...
...please fill in this survey so that we know which children are not being collected by you. We will provide supervision for those who are staying at school until the usual pick-up time of 3pm. 

Whole School Picnic and Kapa Haka Performances Wed 30 Nov

On Wednesday 30 Nov, from 5pm, we invite you all to attend a school picnic which will then be followed by three kapa haka performances. (NB if the weather is wet, the picnic will be cancelled but the kapa haka performances will continue as outlined below)

Everyone is welcome to attend all of the kapa haka performances and, we have scheduled each group in it's own time slot, so that families can just attend the one that their child is in if that works better for them. We also know that our hall can't accommodate everyone if we run a single concert with all of the groups performing! Each groups' performance will run for approximately 20 mins

The timetable for evenng will be:

5pm onwards - Whānau Picnic in front of the Admin area and beside the hall. The Student Council will be runing some activities for children, using games that the PTA had made for the school fair 2 years ago!

 6pm - Year 3/4 Kapa Haka group performance

 6:30pm Year Y5/6 Kapa Haka group performance

7:00pm Te Whānau Mahi Tahi kapa haka performance

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki (Principal)

Important Dates

Thu 17 Nov - School finishing early at 1pm (Union meetings)
Thu 17 Nov - BOT Meeting (5.30 - 7.30pm - Rūma Kaimahi/Staffroom)
Fri 18 Nov - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Fri 18 Nov - Student Council Dress Up Day (PJs or as a teacher)
Wed 23 Nov - PTA Meeting (7.30 - 9.30pm - Green Room)
Fri 25 Nov - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Wed 30 Nov - Whole School Picnic and Kapa Haka performances (see info above)
Fri 2 Dec - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Thu 8 Dec - BOT Meeting (5.30 - 7.50pm - Rūma Kaimahi/Staffroom)
Fri 9 Dec - Final Celebration Assembly (9.45 - 10.30am)
Wed 14 Dec - Year 8 Leavers Graduation - 11am-12noon, followed by Leavers' Lunch
Thu 15 Dec - Last day of Term 4 - School closes at 12:30pm

Term Dates

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 4 November 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

What an amazing week we have had...
  • Kahikatea and Kōwhai have been at swimming lessons each day.  The team at Pioneer Stadium have been extremely well organised and responsive to the needs of our tamariki.
  • Our first House Games - incredible leadership and organisation by our Year 7 and 8 Students.
  • Cashmere High School visiting with our Kauri hub teaching team to plan Year 8 transitions to High School and share information.
  • Our return to whole school assemblies also saw the presentation of the first of the Senior cups and a packed audience to watch our Koru team perform three Kapahaka items.  Lots of camera clicks, filming and smiles in the audience.  Thanks to Whaea Cath and the Koru team for all the work involved in getting these gorgeous tamariki ready to perform.  Thank you to the parents who sent us feedback - we appreciate your words and time.
"My mum and I came to the celebration assembly today to see my little girl and all the other gorgeous little ones sing, and to see her get her first certificate! I just wanted to say how blown away I was by the assembly, the mana and energy was so high and I just loved hearing and seeing all the cheering and high fives for people getting awards. It's so cool to see children altogether and so keen, but then also quickly regulated and calm when they needed to be. Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you! Have a wonderful weekend."

A huge thanks also goes to the parents who helped with the whole School Athletics last week.  Your support is invaluable.  We were especially struck by the group of Junior School parents who came early or stayed to help with the Senior Sports events.  Thank you for living our school values and showing our tamariki how we all get there together, care and make a difference.  He rawe koutou!

Ngā mihi nui
Sue and Jo
Tumuaki Tuarua (Deputy Principals)

Important Dates

Fri 11 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day - (School Closed)
Thu 17 Nov - School finishing early at 1pm (Union meetings)
Thu 17 Nov - BOT Meeting (5.30 - 7.30pm - Rūma Kaimahi)
Fri 18 Nov - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Wed 23 Nov - PTA Meeting (7.30 - 9.30pm - Green Room)
Fri 25 Nov - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Fri 2 Dec - Celebration Assembly (10 - 10.30am)
Thu 8 Dec - BOT Meeting (5.30 - 7.50pm - Rūma Kaimahi)
Fri 9 Dec - Final Assembly (9.45 - 10.30am)
Thu 15 Dec - Last day of Term 4 - School closes at 12:30pm

Term Dates

Citizen of the Week

Jenna Sitompul - Year 7

Jenna, you are such an eager and happy student in the Kauri hub. You always show up on time to Student Council meetings which displays your reliability. Every day, you give all tasks your very best and you are so efficient at completing jobs and assignments. You show our school value, 'We Care' in all you do. You are helpful, kind and caring Jenna. Ka pai!

School Notices

Staffing update for 2023

As you will be aware, we have been working hard in the background these past couple of months organisng our staffing for 2023. 
Bearing in mind that there could still be changes between now and the start of 2023, this is our current teaching plan for next year:

Koru Team
Elizabeth Drummond - co-Team Leader
Stacey McLachlan - co-Team Leader
Georgia McKenna 

Kāhikatea Team
Amber Donovan - Team Leader
Katie McFarlane
Krystal Hunt
Lisa Collier 
Quynh Nguyen  (3.5 days)

Kōwhai Team (Year 3/4)
Anna Reid - Team Leader
Nick BruceRowena Barker
Charlotte Verity
\Anna McNeill
Quynh Nguyen (1.5 days)

Pōhutukawa Team (Year 5/6)
Steve Cooke - Team Leader
Gayle McNaughton
Rae Marsh
Megan Culver
Georgie Jones (part-time)

Kauri Team (Year 7/8)
Thomas Woodfield - Team Leader
Sarah Junghenn (Terms 1/2) & Jenny Diggle (Terms 3/4)
Bridie Zarifeh
Nicky Dunlop 
Thomas will be joining the team from his current role as a teacher in the Year 7/8 team at Cashmere Primary. Thomas has been teaching for 9 years, both in Auckland and in Christchurch. Bridie has been teaching for 6 years and will be moving to Chch from her current position at St Josephs's School in New Plymouth. Sarah (who has been working part-time in our Year 7/8 team this year) will be stepping in for Jenny in Terms 1 & 2 as Jenny will be taking refreshment leave and doing some travelling. Jenny will be back in Term 3. Nicky has decided to step down as team leader. Caitlin is moving to Ashburton at the end of the year and has secured a job at Ashburton Intermediate.

Dress Up Day

Kia ora e te whānau, 

On Friday the 18th of November the student council will be holding a pyjama day and "teacher student clothing swap" dress-up day. A T.S.S PJ day. Whether the students want to go all out with wigs and dresses to be dressed up as a teacher from our kura or just laze around in their pajamas, there will be room for all styles. A gold coin donation will be required! Have some fun!

From the Student Council

Community Dental Service

One of our Community Dental Service vans will be making a visit to your school soon.
  • Only the children who currently require a check-up will be seen at this visit.
    Please do not be concerned if your child is not called for a check-up this time.

  • The dental therapist will provide a regular check-up and preventative care which may include:
    - Cleaning/Scaling (to remove plaque from teeth)
    - Dental x-rays (to check for decay in teeth, or presence and position of teeth)
    - Fluoride Varnish (painted on teeth to help prevent decay)
    - Fissure Sealants (coating put on teeth to prevent decay) if required.

  • If your child requires any other dental care, they will bring home a ‘Care Plan’ which will explain what dental care and appointment times are required.

  • When you receive the ‘Care Plan’ please contact our Call Centre as soon as possible as you will need to arrange a time to bring your child to one of our Community Clinics for this dental care.

  • Please contact our Call Centre if you want further information on the Community Dental Service, to enrol your child or if you have any specific questions about your child’s dental care (a dental therapist will call you back)

  • Year 8 students: all year 8 students enrolled with the Community Dental Service are transferred from the Community Dental Service to a FREE private dentist from year 9 until their 18th birthday. To help with this transition please ensure you have informed your child of their family dentist (not orthodontist). This will enable us to transfer your child onto the correct dentist for year 9 onwards. More information will be sent home after their year 8 check-up.
To contact our Call Centre: phone 0800 846 983 / email

Congratulations to our Y8 Award Winners...

Science Cup: Rowan Hopwood

 Rowan, your love for everything science is amazing! You are in your element when you are studying the unknown and how things work. You question why and how things work and your drive to learn about different science topics is admired. Earning eight science badges and your bronze award is extremely impressive. Your goal to earn two more badges and your silver award by the end of the year is something we have not seen happen on the Kauri team in quite some time. Continue to have that inquisitive mind, experiment,  manipulate variables and discover new things! Congratulations, Rowan.

O'Sullivan Cup for Excellence in Art: Reagan Maule

You always seem to have a drawing pencil in your hand.  You create intricate, well-proportioned, life-like characters that look ready to step off the page and into your fantasy world. You love to share your learning through art and do this in a sophisticated and detailed manner. You applied your digital drawing skills to design the backdrops for our ShowQuest performance. These were outstanding. Thank you for the joy and wonder that your artistic creations bring to others. Congratulations Reagan.


We recently received the first issue of a new series of chapter books from the Ministry of Education for students in Year 3.  They are designed to support the transition to reading longer texts and to foster a love of reading.
The first issue we received has a special connection with Beckenham as it has been written by Renata Hopkins, one of our Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto parents.

Ka pai Renata, I'm sure the children will love reading about 'Super Spies' when these get issued to the hubs!

Sports News

Learn to Play Touch

Students from Year 5 - 8 have an opportunity to take part in a 6-week skills-based session learning how to play touch rugby.

These sessions are designed to be an introduction to the sport; no prior experience is required. This is for students who would like to learn basic skills before joining teams that play in competitions.

The sessions will consist of skill teaching, drills, and a casual game at the end focusing on the skill that has been taught. The emphasis is on fun, building confidence, and skill development in a non-competitive environment.

The sessions will run on Wednesday afternoon from 3.15 til 4.15 at Beckenham Park. Students will need to bring a drink bottle and wear their hats. If your child has any individual medication such as an asthma inhaler, they should have this with them at every session. 

Adult help is desperately needed - this ranges from just helping to get students into age groups and starting drills to taking mini-games and working with small groups. All help is gratefully accepted; there is no previous experience required for this either!

The first session will be Wednesday 9th November and run every week until Wed 14th Dec. 

If it is wet, a decision will be made by 2pm. School and caregivers will be notified. 

A google doc is linked below and must be completed by a caregiver - we must know how students are getting home afterwards.

PTA News

Our PTA fundraiser this term is selling a range of Goodies for Christmas, some new and some old favourites!

The 3 Product ranges available are:
  • Cured Salamis
    - One size, 4 flavors + Biersticks, all $20 each
    - Venison
    - Garlic 
    - Pepperoni
    - Spicy 

    All Salamis and biersticks are Gluten, Dairy and MSG free.  Find out more at
  • Panfortes from Pilgrim
    - 250g Panforte $20
    - 1kg Panforte $60
    Panforte is an Italian Christmas fruitcake.  Packed with walnuts, almonds, figs, mixed peel and spices.  Bought to you by Pilgrim, a business owned by a school whānau. For more information visit
  • Fix and Fogg Peanut Butter
    - 375g Smooth Peanut Butter 
    - 375g Super Crunchy Peanut Butter
    - 275g Everything Butter
    - 275g Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter
    All jars are $8.00 each. Please note they are smaller jars than the last fundraiser.
The link for the online order form is below, there will not be any paper order forms this time.  

There is a very short time frame on this fundraiser.  Orders close: 6pm, Sunday the 13th of November 2022. 

Pick up will be from the PTA stall outside the hall after school from 6 December and will be advertised on Hero and the PTA Facebook page.

Thanks for your supporting the Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA! 

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

World Sustainable Toy Day

The global toy industry produces 1 million tonnes of waste annually. At the same time, 75% of kids are worried about their future because of climate change and the oceans are in a plastic-waste crisis.

Toys shape how our tamariki see and interact with the world, which gives us the opportunity and responsibility to use play to help them become more climate confident. We can leave them a better legacy than ocean waste and toys they lose interest in after just one week!

That’s why the team at Sustained Fun, creators of the reusable water balloon, EcoSplat, created World Sustainable Toy Day to be celebrated annually on the 3rd Friday of November (one week before Black Friday). 
Do you have toys that have been in your family for generations? Toys that your kids have played with for years? Toys that your kids have used in many different ways? Record a video or take photos of you and your kids with favorite' toys that last', tag us in your social media posts #WorldSustainableToyDay November 18th. 

Share or follow them Facebook 

TMC Trucking Industry Show

A fantastic family event is coming up on Saturday, November 26th at the Canterbury Agricultural Park in Christchurch. The TMC Trucking Industry Show is New Zealand’s largest Trucking Festival and there is so much going on, making it heaps of fun for the whole family! Kids are FREE and all kids activities at the show are FREE too! Adults are just $10 entry.

There are so many activities for the kids – plan to stay all day! These include:
  • The largest truck bouncy castle in the world – a 22m long truck obstacle course (for kids over 10 years old)
  • The Mega truck bouncy castle 14m long!
  • The Carter Tyre Run – race through the tyre run in the quickest time to win prizes at the end of the show
  • Road Metals Giant Sand Pits with hidden treasure– one for the little-ies and one for kids over 8 years old. Did for treasure and win prizes!
  • The Valvoline Road Safety Scooter Track – grab a pedal kart or scooter and race around the track, learning some fun road rules at the same time
  • Activities Chill Tent – including colouring-in competitions for all ages
  • Trucking 9-hole Mini-golf course – grab a putter and make it round the trucks to beat your family and friends
  • People’s Choice – vote for your favourite truck, it’ll be pretty hard to pick from the 400 trucks on display!
  • The RC Haulers Radio Control Trucks – these miniature trucks have amazing detail and will be driving around a huge Trucking Village
There will be plenty to see and do at the show, with industry competitions also taking place including the TR Group NZ Truck Driving Championships, the Palfinger Crane Competition, Liebherr All-terrain Crane Competition and the NZ Forklift Competition.

Over 400 big shiny trucks will be on display, so walk around and vote for your favourite in the People’s Choice competition. There will be plenty of food vendors, coffee, ice cream and sheltered areas to relax, as well as the huge Monstavision screen where you can sit and watch the excitement from the industry competitions. The Show Shop will have a great selection of truck toys and remote control trucks available from just $30 – arrive early as these sell out fast.

This event only comes around every 2 years – so come along on Saturday November 26th and enjoy a family-friendly, affordable day out (please leave your furry family members at home).

Adult Tickets can be purchased online and grab your free kids tickets here too: Tickets for 2022 TMC Trucking Industry Show - Christchurch - Eventfinda

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto School Newsletter, Friday 21 October 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Welcome back to Term 4! 

We have another exciting term of learning planned. With the weather warming up, we are looking forward to Athletic Sports next Wednesday.

A reminder that school is closed this Monday the 24th as it is a public holiday.

Welcome to the team to Stacey Hart, who will be joining us as a Teaching Assistant. If you see Stacey around our kura please make her feel welcome!

Dogs in and around school grounds

A reminder that no dogs should be on the grounds during school hours, unless by prior arrangement. Please ensure ALL dogs are on a leash when dropping off and picking up children as some people are not comfortable around dogs, and this keeps everyone safe.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki (Principal)

Important Dates

Mon 24 Oct - Labour Day - (School Closed)
Tue 25 Oct - Netsafe Workshop for all whānau - St Martins School, 7pm
Wed 26 Oct - School Athletics Day (details below)
Fri 11 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day - (School Closed)
Thu 15 Dec - Last day of Term 4 - School closes at 12:30pm

Term Dates

Citizen of the Week

Vivienne Cross - Year 3

Vivienne, you are such a vibrant and bubbly personality in our hub. You tackle any situation with great positivity and you have a wonderful sense of humour. You are a role model learner, showing great focus on your learning tasks and you put every effort into doing the best that you can. You are also very inclusive, ready to welcome anyone into your fold. You are a star!

School Notices

Sunhats and Drink Bottle Reminder

This a reminder that Term 4 is a Sunsafe term. Time to find the sunhat!

Please ensure that you send your child to school with a named red or black sunhat (bucket or wide-brimmed) and a drink bottle every day during Term 4. 

Sports Uniforms

All sports uniforms that have been issued to students need to be returned, clean, as soon as possible. There is a labelled box "Returned Sports Uniforms" between the Office and Library that is accessible all day.

Do you, or your neighbours, have someone turning 5 next year?

We need to get all enrolments for 2023 in, ideally by the end of next week, so that we can ensure that we have been given enough staffing for the year from the Ministry of Education. We have the opportunity to apply for a review in early November, if we think we have been under-staffed.
PLEASE contact Jacky or Reihana in the office for an enrolment form, or download one from our website.

Keeping Young People Safe Online - Tuesday 25 October, 7pm

Te Kura O Hato Matini - St Martins Primary School are hosting a free event for all local parents and whānau about keeping young people safe online. Netsafe's Relationship & Education Advisor, Paula Wistrand, will be talking about the risks, challenges and opportunities of digital technology, and the practical ways we can all help young people to be safe online. The session will look at how parents and whānau can support and enable children and young people to navigate online opportunities, challenges and complexities. 

This will be a great chance to get educated on how we can keep our tamariki safe, and we would encourage you to consider attending.

Comedy Quiz Night 2022

Come and join us for a night of fun on Saturday, October 29th, while supporting Kauri Camp fundraising for 2023. 

Tickets are $10 per person. Form a team of  4-7 people. Delicious supper provided. Bring money for bar and raffle tickets. Doors open at 7pm with quiz starting at 7:30. This quiz will be hosted Jarred Skelton, our local and much loved comedian.

Grab a team and click here to book $10 tickets: (click this link to sign up - fill in this form only once per team)

Scholastic Lucky Book Club

Issue 7 is out now. Please click here to view the catalogue, or here to sign up and learn how to order.
In this Bumpre edition you will find:
  • Christmas and Holiday Gift Ideas
  • The Best Books of 2022
  • Halloween Reads
  • Big Savings on Packs
  • $7 and Under Books, $3.50 Value Books and much more!
To make it easy to give the gift of reading this year, the LOOP Gift Function has automatically been turned on for this issue. Gift orders are intended to be given directly to the parents, not the child. 

Lunch Online


Term 4
Monday 17th October – Friday 9th December


Term 1
Monday 30th January – Thursday 6th April

Sports News

Congratulations to...

Levi Bunting, who in June of this year was selected to represent Canterbury in the South Island Halberg games. He attended training sessions from June through to September before competing in a 3 day sports festival against athletes representing Tasman, Canterbury, South Canterbury, Otago, Southland and West Coast.

Halberg Games is a three-day national sports festival open to young people aged 8-21 with a physical or visual impairment.

Bella Day and Lola Harris, who are pictured wearing their championship medals and holding the trophy. They represented Canterbury in the South Island Regional Basketball under 13 tournament last week where they won 7 from 7 games and beat a tough Otago team in the final to win the tournament.
Both girls had strong performances and it was an amazing way for them to finish their season off in style.

Luca Arthur, who competed in the Secondary Schools National Mountain Bike Championships over the holidays. This involved racing in three events: downhill, enduro, and cross country. Luca placed first in the downhill and enduro and sixth in the cross country, an outstanding achievement that resulted in Luca also taking the overall win. Tino pai, Luca!

Athletics Day

We are looking forward to our Whole School Athletics Celebration on Wednesday the 26th of October.  Years 5 to 8 will be out on Beckenham Park competing in field and track rotations all day. Years 0 - 4 will start the day with their usual school routine and join us on the park for their run, jump, and throw rotations throughout the day. 

Athletics learning is a key part of our PE curriculum across all teams. The children are being taught safe and effective techniques as well as perseverance, resilience and sportsmanship. Our whole school athletics day is a celebration of this learning. 
Koru and Ferndale - 9:00 to 10:30 
Kahikatea and Kōwhai - 11:00 to 12:30
Our athletics day concludes with sprint finals, starting at 2:00. Our whole school will come together to cheer on the runners. The final event is a House Relay, which doubles up as an adults versus children race. With years 0 - 8 participating in this relay, we are going to need your support to make up an adult team. Bring your running shoes!

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Fair Go - Consumer Heroes competition

We’re looking for tamariki who have a vision to change something in Aotearoa – it could be a big idea for the whole planet or the whole country, or a little change making a difference to their local community.

They come up with the idea, write a couple of sentences about what the vision/change is and what they need help with, and send it off to us.

If we choose it, the Fair Go team will leap into action, visiting with our camera and reporter teams, and helping them make a video pitching their amazing idea which will of course, then feature on Fair Go.

And – the lucky creatives will score amazing prizes provided by Canon, to help them continue with their creative journeys.  

The website link below provides the relevant information (along with a helpful video).

Entries close on the 26th of October so they’ll only have a few days, and we don’t mind if the entries are a bit rough – as long as the key vision is there.

What we’re looking for is great ideas, a willingness to be on camera, and – of course – parental permission.

Port Hills Athletics Have a Go sessions

Have a Go is a community-based athletics programme for 4-11 year olds based on Run, Jump, Throw from Athletics New Zealand.

The sessions go from 5pm to 6.30pm starting Monday 31st October, and will run for 8 weeks in Term 4, 7 weeks in Term 1. 

Families are welcome to have a two-week trial before registering with the club. Registration is approx $80 for those under 6 years and $100 for those over 6 years.  No uniform is needed.

Please email if you have any questions

Looking forward to meeting you and your tamariki!

Biketober Event

St Martins Scout Spring Fair

The St Martins Scouts are holding a Spring Fair on Sunday 30 October 12-4pm.
This includes rock climbing, river crossing, kayaking and a car boot sale.

Support your local Athletics Club

Want to learn how to run, jump or throw? The skills you learn in athletics are the perfect foundation
for almost any sport.

Every student can give athletics a go. Your local athletics club is welcoming new members now and we encourage students to get involved and get active.

Contact details for all athletics clubs nationwide are available here and become a member.

Go Crew Events presents... Go Chef!

AKA: The Great Cupcake Challenge!

We’ve got a cool new brand called Go Crew Events and this is our first event!

The Great Cupcake Challenge will see teams of four rangatahi bake their own cupcakes, and then decorate them however they want. And then comes the fun part... eating them! 

All ingredients are supplied. And all teams will have the help and super-fun support of a ‘chief chef’ from the Go Crew.

Whether you like to bake alone or prefer to decorate with your mates, come along for an afternoon of fun with our Go Crew team!

Numbers are strictly limited.

This event is ideal for ages 10-13yrs. 

When: Saturday 29th October 
Where: Majestic House, 189 Durham Street South, Christchurch Central City, Christchurch 8011 (plenty of parking onsite from Wilmer Street)
Time: 10am-1pm
Cost: $30 per ticket per person

NOTE: All our Go Crew team members are police checked
Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.

We'd love to see you there!

If you have any questions, please feel free to message us directly:

Phone: 021 919427 or 021 915039

Applications NOW open for MindPlus in 2023!

One in 20 students are gifted, and they need specialist education support to unlock their talents and passions and to thrive as learners.

Applications are now open for MindPlus OurSchool in 2023.

MindPlus OurSchool brings Y2 - 8 gifted kids together one day a week at one of our 13 units across New Zealand. The application closing date is 28 October.

Applications are always open for MindPlus Online which Y2 - 10 students can access online from anywhere in New Zealand, at school or home.

Term 4 is a great time to talk with parents about options for their gifted kids in 2023. We have a webinar on 18 October from 7 to 8pm so parents and teachers can find out more about MindPlus in 2023.

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto School Newsletter Rāmere (Friday) 23 September, 2022

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

DISCO Fever is here! Great to hear the excitement around the hubs today as children prepare for their Disco later in the day. A huge thank-you to our PTA for the work and organisation that goes into this event for our tamariki.

Funding Changes

As you will have probably heard on the news over the past 24 hours, schools around the country have received their staffing and funding information for 2023. Whilst there have been no changes to the staffing formulas, there has been a major overhaul of parts of the operational funding formulas with the removal of the 'decile' system and the introduction of an Equity Index number (EQI). The EQI is designed to be more nuanced and to reflect better the actual needs of the children enrolled at a school. Whilst the news headlines you will read state that over 80% of schools will receive more funding as a result of this new formula, unfortunately, that is not the case for our school. This makes our need for your donation payment much more pressing, as we aim to provide quality learning experiences without adding additional requests for contribution for each activity.

Staffing for 2023 - Get your 3 or 4 year old enrolled now!

For us to get an accurate picture of our staffing needs for next year, we do need to know about EVERY child who intends to start at school during 2023 as soon as possible, so that we can inform the Ministry of Education of our actual enrolment numbers for next year. To ensure we are given the staffing we need from the Ministry of Education for the year ahead, we need to have accurate pre-enrolment numbers.

To enrol your child, please click on the link to our website enrolment page (linked here), and download the enrolment form. Alternatively, you can email and request a form to be emailed out, or printed out and sent to you. We do need all 2023 enrolments in by the end of Week 2 next term, please.

It is never too early to enrol your child! We are happy to accept enrolment forms for ALL preschool children who live in zone.

Ngā mihi nui
Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal

Important Dates

Mon 26 Sep - Public holiday - Queen Elizabeth II memorial (School Closed)
Wed 28 Sep - PTA Meeting (7.30-9.30pm in the Green Room)
Thu 29 Sep - Parent Evening with Cashmere High School Principal (6-7.15pm Staffroom)
Fri 30 Sep - Last day of Term 3
Mon 17 Oct - First day of Term 4
Mon 24 Oct - Labour Day - (School Closed)
Tue 25 Oct - Netsafe Workshop for all whānau - St Martins School, 7pm
Fri 11 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day - (School Closed)
Thu 15 Dec - Last day of Term 4 - School closes 12:30pm

Term Dates