KORU (Hubs 1,2,3,4 and 10,11) HIGHLIGHTS Weeks 7-8

 Upcoming Events - Help Needed Please  

Week 9 Friday the 30th of June

 We are going to relocate our Junior readers to the new building on Friday the 30th of June. If you are able to help us by carrying boxes of books from the upstairs resource room to the new block from  9:00 that morning please email Amber.

Week 10 Friday the 7th of July

On the last day of term we will be shifting Hubs 1 to 4 into our new learning spaces. We would really appreciate parents, grandparents and friends of the school coming along to help move our classroom tables, chairs and resources to the new space. If you like sorting we could also use some help combining and sorting some resources. We will begin shifting from 9:00am.
If you are able to help please contact Sue.

Our Fabulous New Space

  • Thank you to all the parents and extended family who have visited our new building this week.  The learning spaces were officially opened on Wednesday and it has been lovely to see everyone exploring and admiring them.
  • We will be trialing a "shoes off" policy in the new buildings.  Please can you check your child can put on and off their shoes, tie their laces or fasten velcro independently.  Many thanks.
  • Litter-Free Lunches - we are encouraging our children to reduce the amount of rubbish in our environment so the children will bring their lunch waste / and packets home from term 3 on.
  • We will continue to compost any organic material. This is part if a school-wide approach to reduce waste.
We LOVED going into our new learning space this week and are excited about what comes next. 
Hubs 1,2,3 and 4 all fit so nicely in the 'amphitheater'.  As a school we will be naming the special learning spaces all ready for next term.

Growth Mindset

This term we have been talking about developing a growth mindset.  We can say things to ourselves to help us focus on our learning and encourage ourselves to keep going.
I can do it.
I will keep trying.
I learn from my mistakes.
I believe in myself.

Learning can be hard and I can push through the struggle.
I love learning.
I will try my best.
Bring on the  challenges!

Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk below, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it … or have you just not solved it yet?


Thank you for all your help and support.Kindest regards

Koru Team.
Elizabeth, Rowe and Gail - Hub 10 and 11
Charlotte, Dorinda and Amber - Hub 1 and 2
Sue and Caitlyn - Hub 3 and 4.



Upcoming Events / Happenings

  • WEEK 7        THURSDAY - FLUORO MUFTI DAY - come dressed in your fabulous bright                             clothes along with a gold coin - raising thank you fund for our Emergency                                   Services
  • WEEK 10       KORU hosting our School Assembly - we are learning a song from the movie                             Moana to share with the school. Feel free to join in and practice this at home.
Bring in your Library Folder these days ready to exchange.

Hub 1 - Thursday
Hub 2 - Friday
Hub 3/4 - Monday
Hub 10/11 - Friday & Monday

Remember to fill in your Reading Logs at the back of the Home Learning Books and complete a Mad Maths Challenge every night - glued into the front.

Hub 1 and 2 are collating a friendship list of contact numbers so children can connect with each other after school and in the holidays. If you DO NOT wish to be part of this list then please email Charlotte or Amber by Thursday 16th.

Here are some links to help you and your children with their learning...

A notice went out on Wednesday asking for volunteers to help during the school day. We really appreciate any help offered and have a range of things you can do with the children and to help the teachers. Alternatively you can email the teacher you are able to help.

Celebrating our Learning

We have enjoyed learning about our Identity. Our 'Me Bags' have generated fantastic sharing opportunities and are a great way to celebrate our individuality. Here are just a few from Hub 2.

We have also been reading the Book 'Best Part of Me' by Wendy Ewald. Hub 2 has created their own spin on this - adding writing to some black and white photography. The full range is on display in Hub 2.

Blake - My Hands

I can write stuff and feel stuff with my hands. I can pick up stuff and build things with my hands.

Jack - My Legs
I chose my legs because they walk everywhere and they can run fast. Sometimes when I race my Dad I am faster than him. I can kick with them when I am doing swimming.

Ruby - My Eyes

My eyes are special to me because they are important to fit my glasses on. My glasses help me to see otherwise my eyes get blurry and I couldn’t see or learn. I can’t read without my glasses. I like my eyes because they are very lovely.

Stella - My Neck

My neck is special because I want to wear necklaces. I like to feel my hair on my neck, it feels fluffy and soft.

Sharing Our News
We love to share our news with our friends.

Parent Helpers

We appreciate learning alongside our community - parent helpers are such a wonderful way to make connections and learn together - thank you to all that dedicate their time and efforts during the school day.

Maths Learning - Patterns

We are also learning this Term about Patterns - feel free to talk at home about the many patterns you see.

Learning through Construction

We learn to take risks and work together to create some very elaborate buildings.

Kahikatea Team Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Here are some photos of Hub 2's Art Gallery Trip 

That Tree!!!

Meeting 'Robert'

Even the bus ride was fun!

Art Gallery Trip Writing

The big tree was fun today because we could climb on the branches like a monkey. I had so much fun.       by Ally

I went to the Art Gallery. We made animals with clay and I saw a gnome. It was golden and it was fun. Then we went to the Botanical Gardens and it was fantastic and it was fun too. Then we went on the school bus and then we were at school, but wait! Even my Mum was there and I loved it. Well at the Botanical Gardens we played at the big tree. Well, do you want to know what I made with clay? A Tiger!     by Alexandra

We went to the playground. We had fun. The bus ride was awesome, that was cool. The tree was cool. The clay was awesome. The clay was cool.         by Arthur

The trip was amazing. First we went on the really cool bus trip. I loved it. Then off the bus we walked to the Botanic Gardens. I was interested to see what the new school trip would bring. After, we walked to the playground to have lunch. The playground was awesome, it was much better than the one at school. Then we played in an astounding tree. We could fit the whole class in it. 
Then we crossed quite a few roads to get to the Art Gallery. It was amazing. We saw an enormous gnome and a TV that showed a seal breathing. It gave me a big fright. We also saw a bunny. It was so cute. it was from the movie Bambi. Then it was time to make clay monsters. I made a clay mouse. it was awesome. I loved it but then it was time to go. 
The bus trip back was awesome. I was exhausted. I could have gone to sleep if it wasn't so loud.
      by Bobbi

At the Art Gallery I made a bird and it was awesome! It was made out of clay. I left it at the Art Gallery because it needed to dry. Then Hub 3 will bring it back to me. My Dad came to help with the trip. it was fun but let's go back to me and the playground!            by Cian

The bus rode us to the Art Gallery. It was fun. I liked it. I was sitting next to Ally and I have sat next to Stella. It was fun. At the Art Gallery I made a cat. It was fun. I liked it. Gail is going to bring them back. I can't wait!
          by Petal

We went to the Art Gallery and we made clay animals and I made a Cobra snake! It was the biggest in the class. We looked at a gnome and it was as big as an elephant and it was very shiny. I liked it the best. We saw a seal. Its nose was funny. We went to a big tree and I almost fell on the ground. We went to the playground and it was fun and very cool. I went on the slide.
       by Tahere

We're going on a trip. We went in a cool tree and we climbed and climbed but we didn't climb so high. The tree was shady. We walked all the way to the Art Gallery. We walked to the first room. It had a seal TV in it and a bull in it. Then we went to the next room. It had a shining gnome and a poor dog TV and lots of paintings. The one I liked was the gnome the next and then we went downstairs and we made clay beasts. I made a cat with me and my friends. Claudia made two cats and one smiley face. Stella made a cat and a mouse. It was so fun this week. They are going to come back and then I can take them home. We had lunch there on Friday. It was so much fun. I can't wait until the next school trip. It was hot. Thank you Amber and Dorinda. Thank you.
    by Torun

I made a sea turtle at the Art Gallery with Niko and Arthur helping me.
    by Luigi

I was making a clay beast and you got your own animal and I made a bird. My bird was just a bird. On the bus Tahere and Cian and me were talking. Going back we were talking. We played on the playground the Sonic Dash mixed with Slugterra and Ninjas. On the tree, Tahere and me were playing you have to not touch the ground. We also saw a massive gnome in the Art Gallery, The gnome was made out of metal.
     by Louie

Mandarin Langauge Lessons

Each Friday afternoon students in team Kahikatea have been learning to speak Chinese! We've identified five outstanding students who will receive a certificate at the Week 7 school assembly.
Congratulations to: 
Sophie McDonald, George Smith, Claudia Hood, Taylor Carberry & Cleo Hopkinson. 

WOW costumes

Students have now completed their WOW costume designs and they are beginning to identify the items they will need to help them create their wearable art! 
Your child will tell you about their design and theme (winter, summer, spring or autumn) and each hub teacher will send home a list of possible items your child will need to gather together and bring along to school next week. At school we will have plenty of bits and bobs to help with the making too. Some children will be making masks, hats, capes etc...it's going to be an amazing and colourful performance at the end of the term!

Kahikatea Newsletter Week 9

Enjoy the break and Time with your Children

We are very proud of all the learners in Kahikatea. Have a well-earned rest and enjoy the wonderful spring weather. 

Term 4

Term 4 starts again on Monday 10th October and finishes ten weeks later on Friday 16th December.
The following are some things we are going to be looking forward to learning and sharing next Term (dates to be confirmed in our newsletters closer to the events);
  • Athletics - Run Jump Throw
  • Visit to the Art Gallery
  • School Reports
  • Kahikatea Production

Food and Water

We have noticed our children having big appetites and as they grow they will need more food. Heading in to Term 4, please make sure they have enough food to last them through the school day including; A Healthy Snack, Morning Tea and Lunch.
Water is extremely important for health and learning. Please send a drink bottle to school for your children to access throughout their learning day. We encourage our tamariki to hydrate regularly.


Protection from strong UV rays is important. Please make sure you child brings their named sunhat to school for Term 4.


We have been writing poems about special people in our lives. We have used similes and metaphors to give the reader a vivid picture of our special person.


Sandy is a bell bird because she can sing like a princess.
She is sparkly because she is beautiful like a butterfly.
Sandy is going to be the princess of the whole entire world.
Sandy is going to be the queen and Sandy will be the boss of Earth.
I love Sandy as a principal
I love school

By Moa


My brother is as cool as an eagle. 
Fierce and brave
He is black because he wants to be an All Black.
My brother is like Nike shoes.
He's super fast!
He is as soft as a blankly.
He gives me the best hugs.
He is like a wood cutter because he can make you a radio.
I love my Josh!

By Michaela


Jaxon is like a cheetah because he can run and run.
He is red.
He stands out in a crowd and can run past a cheetah.
Jaxon is strong like a cupboard. 

By Jaimie

Hub 2 Spring Similes
We had fun learning on Thursday with our lovely seniors. Here are our similes we created then shared with their help;

Group 1 - Spring: as cute as a duckling, the water is as brown as chocolate, as fun as spring, as good smelling as flowers, as delicate as a flower, the water is as sparkly as a diamond.

Group 2 - Spring: flowers smell as nice as perfume, ducklings are as soft as a cat, flowers are as beautiful as a butterfly, rain is like a cloud, rain falls down like a shower, sky as blue as the ocean, rainbows are like colours in the sky.

Group 3 - Spring: as blue as the sea, as smelly as a flower, as soft as a cat, as bright as the sun, as beautiful as the sky, as beautiful as a flower, as beautiful as a rainbow, as pink as a flower.

Music Stations

Learning a musical instrument is fantastic for brain development. We have been creating our own music on the glockenspiels during Discovery Stations, which is "more fun than the ipads!"

Asia Awareness

We have created robots that will help someone from another country with settling in New Zealand or Beckenham School. Our challenge with creating it was to get it to stand by itself. This took a lot of team work, planning, discussion and masking tape! We demonstrated that We Love Learning, We Love Challenge, We Get There Together and We Make A Difference. Check our creations out:

Kahikatea Newsletter Week 7

Writing in Hub 1&2

We have a team full of amazing authors! Here is some writing they have been working on last week:

Team Minecraft Writers:

A big storm came here last night. My barbeque went down my steps on the deck. It got broken. My Dad was mad and he was at a work thing. The wind sounded like a truck crashing.
By Blake

No! No! I can't get out and play. Splish, splash, crash, bang! There's too much hail. We have to play inside. The end.                                                                                                          
 By Cian

Last night's storm brought rain, hail and thunder. I found an enormous puddle. It looks like a stream.
                                                                                                                                     By Bobbi

Team Dolphin Writers:

I like Ally because she is my best friend. We play together and we play in Room 0. And we do everything together.
By Charlotte

I have a fish called Juri. He can leap around the fish tank. His fins are not sick too. He is yellow. I like my fish because he is colourful. 
By Juri

My Dad is a great builder and a great wrestler. He never gives up on his work. One night my sister asked Dad if we could have some chocolate. He said yes! He loves spending time with us and he loves going to the park and seeing me on my bike. He is very nice. 
By Lola T

Team Rubble Writers:

He is crazy, my Dad because... He plays jokes on us and sometimes we laugh. He is like Fiji weather. My Dad is between tall and small. My Dad gives me hugs. Mum's hugs are the best but Dad's hugs are great. 
By Brynn

He's alright, my Dad. My Dad is good at work, biking and truck driving. He has whiskers and he's very hairy. He has black hair. He's alright, my Dad. He loves me, my sister Abby and my Mum. He's alright, my Dad. My Dad is as happy as a hippopotamus. I love my Dad and do you know what... He loves me too!!!
By Briar

My Dad
He's always awesome, my Dad. He is amazing at golf, mountain biking and being silly. 
My Dad looks like a clown in town. He has black curly hair and a goaty. He is a very tall man. He's always awesome, my Dad. 
He loves Mum, Reg and of course, me! He loves me 100%. He's always awesome, my Dad! 
My Dad has a super warm heart! My Dad is as silly as a goose on the loose! 
I can't wait for Father's Day again! 
By Maggie

My Dad is Cool
My Dad is pretty cool and he loves me. His favourite thing to do is probably play with me! He is as smart as a horse... He can build cool buildings. And he loves painting. And he loves everyone!!!
By Harvey

Maths - Direction and Turns

We are learning about direction and turns through our Discovery Stations at the moment. We have been giving directions to each other to find hidden treasure, finding our way through mazes, 'programming' our robots (which are actually our buddies), creating treasure maps with directions and turning objects around using quarter, half and full turns.  

Social Studies - Asia Awareness

As our learning is wrapping up for the term, we are looking into how we can make a difference for someone who has just moved to New Zealand from somewhere in Asia. Each hub is currently discussing and creating something that will help others learn about the language, food and culture in New Zealand.