Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 8 (B)

 In this post:

  • Cantamath
  • Phones
  • Sport


The latest victim on our current Level 2 status is Cantamath. We heard yesterday that this event will be cancelled. The children who attend maths club had been working hard towards the teams event and the creativity, precision and maths content in many of the Cantamath projects are evidence of many hours work. We know there will be lots of disappointed children. This morning we have marked all of the Cantamath projects and decided which work we would have sent through to Cantamath and what we believe would have earned a highly commended or excellence award.

Work by these children would have been sent to the Cantamath competition, had it gone ahead:

Abby, Ava, Ben, Caleb, Connor I, Cooper, Devina, Erik, Eva, Fergus, Frances, Grace H, Henry M, Holly, Ilia, Isla, James, Kate, Layla J, Layla W, Lexi, Lurandt, Mac, Mahli, Marcellus, Meara, Mia, Morgan, Rosie, Ruby, Tabea, Thomas, Walter, Zara M, Zoë C

We have given these children a highly commended award:
Holly, Meara, Henry M, Ava, Grace H, Erik, Eva and Lurandt

The projects completed by these people were of a very high standard and we have awarded them an excellence:
Devina, Ruby, Caleb, Abby, Kate, Zoë C, James, Mia and Mac

All Cantamath projects are currently on display in Sth Hangere - the building that is closest to the old dental clinic by the river. You are welcome to come in and take a look between 8:30 and 9am or 3 and 3:30pm this week. 


We are now collecting phones in a tub each morning and sending them to the office for safe-keeping during the day. Since we started doing this a week ago, there are less phones being handed in. Here is a photo of the tub today. If your child brings their phone and it is not in the tub photo, please have a conversation with them about following this rule. If you think your child would benefit from a daily reminder, please let us know.  

Sporting Events in Week 9


Tuesday 15th September
The three Koru Games volleyball teams will be playing in a one day tournament at Hillview Christian School.
Meet: 8:00 in the Kauri Hub
Children should be dressed in a black BTKP polo top
Children need:
  • Water bottle
  • Morning tea and lunch
  • Any personal medication such as an inhaler
  • Children may bring a book, sketchbook or small game for between games

There will be an optional after school practise on Monday next week where we will be joined by some Year 9s and 10s. This will go from 3:15 until 4:15. If children need to leave early for other after school commitments, that is fine. 

This event will go ahead in Level 2

Mixed Sports Tournament with St Martins

Wednesday 16th September
Children who wanted to participate will play in a fun focused one day tournament with St Martins in the sports of football, ultimate frisbee and touch. 
This is being held on the Beckenham Park.

This event will go ahead in Level 2, weather permitting.

Canterbury Winter Tournament - This event will only go ahead in Level 1

Jule’s hockey team and Anna’s netball team from weekly winter sport have qualified to play in the Canterbury Winter Tournament. 
Hockey - Nunweek Park
Netball - Hagley Netball Courts
Meet: at school at 9:00
Children will be travelling to these venues by car. If you are able to support by providing transport, please email Jenny. 
Children need:
  • Water bottle
  • Morning tea and lunch
  • Any personal medication such as an inhaler
  • Children may bring a book, sketchbook or small game for between games

Weekly Winter Sport

We would like to acknowledge the following children from our weekly enter sport programme. Our adult coaches were asked to select a person from their team for each of these two awards.

Most improved Player - recognising children who showed coachability by taking on feedback and putting exceptional effort into improving their skill level over the course of the season.

Mia, Mila, Tabea, Eddie, Eli, Sachit,

Sportsmanship - recognising children who showed exceptional respect for their opposition, their ref and encouragement of their team.
Henry M, Eva, Lurandt, Syesha, Olive, Layla W

All coaches commented on how difficult it was to choose three awards. We recognise the commitment and effort that all children have demonstrated over the season. 

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 8

 In this post:

  • Cashmere High testing day
  • Cantamath
  • Cheese Roll thanks and pics
  • Elections learning

Cashmere High Testing

Those in Year 8 who have enrolled at Cashmere High School for next year would have been contacted by Cashmere about the testing day this Thursday. Children arrange their own way to and from Cashmere for this testing morning. We expect to see at children back at school by lunch eating time, 1:20, when we take the roll. This will provide ample time for those who will be walking to get back to school. 


We are waiting to hear from Cantamath about whether the competition will be going ahead this year. It is scheduled for Sept 16th, when we will still be in Level 2. 

We were blown away by the project work that came to school on Friday and are looking forward to seeing the remaining work (for those who asked for an extension) arrive on Monday. We will be setting up a display of all work for the school and parents to view on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I am in the process of confirming the venue for this display. 

Below are a selection of the projects that were handed in on Friday ...

Cheese Rolls

Many thanks to Jaana, Anna and Renata for helping us with our cheese roll making last Thursday. The children love this authentic learning experience. It is a great way to live our school value: 'We get there together'. 


We have recently started an integrated literacy topic about elections. Last Wednesday we held a mock parliamentary debate in the hall. The PM was in attendance (The Hon Jenny Diggle) and the speaker of the House (H Elliott) controlled the debate. There were numerous speakers who provided eloquent, thought provoking and amusing arguments, both for and against the bill. Following 30 minutes of debate, the bill went to the vote. The results were 67:30 against the bill, so the voting age will not be lowered to 13!

This week the children will be forming their own parties and writing policies with a school, rather than country, focus. 

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 7

 In this post:

  • Fundraising Update
  • Sports Uniforms
  • Cantamath projects
  • Self Defence
  • Speech Competition
  • Ski Day

Remember that Monday is a staff only day. We will see everyone at 8:30 on Tuesday, ready for technology.

Fundraising for Camp

So far this term our raffles, toilet paper sales and quiz night have contributed $4000 to our camp fundraising! This Thursday we are making over 350 dozen cheese rolls. If you have ordered cheese rolls, please help the environment by providing your own (named) container. There will be boxes outside the hall to drop these into on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Sports Uniforms

Our 'keeping it local' sports competition finished off last Thursday. A huge thanks to all parents who helped to coach / manage / ref our teams. The weather this weekend is perfect for getting that uniform laundered and ready to hand in on Tuesday.


With a staff only day on Monday, this provides the perfect opportunity for getting lots of work done on Cantamath projects. These are due to be handed in this Friday, September 4th.

Self Defence

The Girls' Self Defence Project starts this Friday, in the afternoon, for Year 8.

Speech Competition

What an entertaining morning we had last Wednesday when we listened to the finalists in our speech competition. Our judges were from the Cashmere High English Dept and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children tell their stories. A special congratulations to:
Year 7: 1st, Zoë; 2nd, Jonty; and 3rd, Jalori
Year 8: 1st, Max; 2nd Ben; and 3rd, Ruby

Zoë and Max will go on to represent our school at the South Zone Speech Competition on Monday September 21st, in the evening.

Ski Day

The sun shone, the mountain glistened and the children had a blast at our ski day on Friday. There were so many fabulous examples of children embracing challenge and 'getting there together'. A huge thanks to the parents who helped out and made the day possible. 

Last Chance for Cheese Rolls

 Many thanks to all who have supported our cheese roll fundraiser. If you have yet to place your order, you have until 8pm tomorrow, Wednesday, to do so. Click here to place your order.

If you have ordered some cheese rolls, we would love you to provide your own container. We will leave a box outside the hall on Tuesday and Wednesday next week for you to place your named container in. Please include your child's name and hub on the label. Cheese rolls will be made and ready to take home next Thursday, September 3rd.

Thanks for supporting our Year 7 & 8 camp fundraising.

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 6

In this post:

  • Ski trip (at the end)
  • Camp fundraising
  • Wacky hair day
  • Talent quest
  • Sport
  • Speech finals
  • Cantamath

Camp fund raising

Many thanks to those who helped out with and supported our quiz night last Saturday. A huge thanks to Liz who coordinated the whole event. Despite needing to limit the number of participants, we still made a good profit. Toilet paper and paper towel orders have now been placed. 

That leaves our cheese roll fundraiser to go. Orders close tomorrow, Wednesday. Many thanks to those who offered help with equipment, supervision and collecting ingredients. I will be emailing you shortly about this. If you have placed an order, please drop your named container off outside the hall before school on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. It is great not to have to use extra packaging.

Wacky Hair Day

The student council is running a wacky hair day next Friday, September 4th to raise money for Child Cancer.  Go wild and bring a gold coin.

Talent Quest

Next week we will be holding team auditions for the school talent quest. We are looking forward to seeing the talent on show. 


This Thursday is our final round of winter sport for this season. Playing locally with schools from within our zone has provided an opportunity for participating in regular competition while also building community ties. A huge thank you to all the parents who have given their time and expertise to coach, referee and manage teams. After Thursday's games, we would like to collect as many uniforms as possible. Please ensure that your child has something to change into so that uniforms can be collected in on Thursday afternoon. 

 It is with great sadness that we pass on the news that Koru Games has been cancelled this year. This is due to them being unable to meet requirements to operate safely at Level 2. We know that the children involved will be deeply disappointed. The teams have put in lots of work preparing for the tournament and we would like to acknowledge their participation and commitment that was shown at practices thus far. Many thanks to the parents who had offered parent support for this event. 

Speech Finals

We are looking forward to our speech finals tomorrow, Wednesday. This will take place in the hall from 11am. Parents of competitors are welcome to sit, socially distanced, at the back of the hall. Congratulations to:

Year 7: Fergus, Jonty, Mila, Jalori, Zoe C, Zara M and Caleb

Year 8: Tom, Eddie, Henry M, Ben, Henry H, Max and Ruby


By now your child should be underway with their Cantamath project. If this is not happening at your place, please email your child's home-group teacher so that we can help get things started. 

Ski trip this Friday: August 28th

Mt Hutt can safely accommodate school groups at Level 2. Our trip on Friday is going ahead at this stage. The ‘at this stage’ is all to do with the weather. If the mountain is ‘on hold’ or closed, we will look at rescheduling the trip. The tricky bit is that the ski report (https://www.mthutt.co.nz/weather-report/) comes out at around 6am, so we could have the scenario where we arrive at school, find out the mountain is on hold and have to head home again - get changed and come back to school at the normal time. Here’s hoping that doesn’t happen! 

Departure time

Please meet in the Sandwich Rd carpark at 5:50am, dressed in ski clothing. We will be pulling out at 6am. 

Ski contract

If this has not been signed and returned to school yet, please get this back tomorrow.


We have matched children up with the gear that we have available. If your child is still short of something these can be hired from outlets in town. Snowmania rent gear at very reasonable prices: 4 Dalgety Street, Riccarton Phone: 03 961 6747. Remember that we arrange the skis, boots and helmets through Mt Hutt; you don't need to sort this equipment. 

 Being dressed for the mountain conditions makes such a difference to the enjoyment of the day. Below is a reminder of what your child will need. 

  • Several thin thermal layers are much better for keeping warm and comfortable than a bulky layer. Cotton is not great for the mountains; thermal clothing is what’s needed.
  • Polypro or woollen thermal top
  • Thermal ‘long-johns’ or tights
  • Fleece or woollen top / jersey
  • Waterproof pants
  • A warm weatherproof jacket
  • Woollen or thermal socks, not too thick. Socks need to come up to mid calf at least.
  • Weatherproof gloves or mittens
  • Either sun glasses or ski goggles
  • A scarf is optional, but must be tucked into their jacket, to avoid dangling ends.
  • Hats are not needed as all children will be given a helmet
  • Sunscreen, for the face
  • A substantial lunch, including a drink. Under Level 2 there are restrictions in the cafe, with limited options, queues and longer waits. The mountain operate a cashless payment system. We would prefer that children bring all their own food and drink.

Long hair needs to be tied up. Children who get asthma should have their inhalers with them.

If your child needs to bring their cell phone, they are responsible for it during the day. It can be used on the bus, but when out on the mountain, these are to be zipped away in pockets.

Our day:

5:50 Arrive at school, on Sandwich Rd. Buses and cars leave at 6:00

8:00 We will arrive at the ski field car park

8:15 Ski hire sorted, 9am lesson group through first 

9:00 Lessons for first timers and half of second timers. Everyone else has a short free ski

10:30 Morning tea on the deck

11:00 Lessons for everyone else. Free ski for those who had a lesson at 9.

12:30 Stop for lunch

1 - 3:30  Free ski with your friends

3:30 Return gear and back to the bus

4:00 Buses leave

6:00 ish We arrive back at school

We will send out an email late in the afternoon with a more precise time for arrival back at school. There is an air of excitement in the hub this week and we are so pleased to be able to go ahead with this trip. If you have any questions, please email Nicky, nicky.dunlop@beckenham.school.nz