Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 14 June 2024, Week 7

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

Learning Conferences
Thank you so much for all your participation and engagement in Learning Conferences.  We gain so much information and insight from this time.  

A wee reminder that you can come in and speak with your child's homegroup teacher during week days.  Please just email and make a time to do this so they can put aside enough time for a successful meeting.
If you have any questions or "nose wrinkles" please make a time to see us so we can work through anything straight away.

Charlotte's Farewell
We had a lovely farewell to Charlotte Verity who has been teaching at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto since 2014.  Charlotte has led many initiatives across our school including staff and student wellbeing, supporting the development of programmes with our students who have English as a Second Language, Sustainability and composting and our Science programmes.
Charlotte is beginning a new teaching adventure at another kura in Christchurch.  All the very, very best Charlotte, we will miss you.

Our wonderful Jacky has been leading us on our "Plogging" journey.  We hope you may be able to help us with this.  Plogging refers specifically to the activity of picking up rubbish while jogging / walking.  Its name is a portmanteau of the Swedish term Plocka upp, meaning "to pick up" and the English jogging.  Jacky has some large tongs and buckets in the office, if you would like to take your child (and their friends) and do some plogging at drop off or pick up time.  Our school environment, and eventually the world, will thank you for it!

Ngā mihi nui
Sue Leadbetter - DP / SENCO

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Fri 21 Jun - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Tue 25 Jun - Matariki Evening at Kura, 5.30-7:00pm
Wed 26 Jun - BoT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Wed 26 Jun - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 28 Jun - Matariki (kura/school closed)
Tue 2 Jul - Y0-4 Cross Country Challenge, 12:00 - 3:00pm, Hillview
Wed 3 Jul - Sandy's Farewell Assembly, 2:15-4:00PM, in the Hall, RSVP required
Fri 5 Jul - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 5 Jul - Last day of Term 2, School finishes 3pm
Mon 22 Jul - First day of Term 3, School starts at 8:55am
Wed 24 Jul - PTA Midwinter Breakfast
Wed 24 Jul - PTA Meeting (AGM), 7:00-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 26 Jul - Welcome Assembly, 9:15-9:30am, in the Hall
Fri 2 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 15 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Mon 26 Aug - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Wed 28 Aug - BoT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Wed 28 Aug - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Fri 30 Aug - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Mon 2 Sep - School Duathlon, 12:15-3:00PM
Wed 4 Sep - Kauri Ski Trip TBC
Fri 13 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Thu 19 Sep - New Entrant and Year 8 Photos, 9:00-10:00am
Wed 25 Sep - PTA Meeting, 7:30-9:30PM, Green Room
Thu 26 Sep - BoT Meeting, 5:30-7:30PM, Staff Room
Fri 27 Sep - Celebration Assembly, 10:00-10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 27 Sep - Last day of Term 3, School finishes 3pm
Mon 14 Oct - First day of Term 4, School starts 8:55am

Term Dates: Click here to view  2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week (W6)

Jessica Walker - Year 3

Jessica, you are an exemplary role model in the Kōwhai hub. You have a growth mindset and tackle challenges with a positive attitude! You are kind and caring, and always there for others. You show initiative in the way that you volunteer to help out and find different ways of problem solving. Keep being your fantastic self. Ka pai, Jessica.

Citizen of the Week (W7)

Chester Gardiner - Year 6

Chester, you exemplify each one of our school values. You are kind, creative and personable, making a positive difference in our hub. Thank you for the leadership you show in technology and for being a brilliant role model for others. Chester, you get stuck right into learning tasks, consistently demonstrating a love of learning and challenge. Tino pai to mahi.

School Notices

Stay Well This Winter

As we head into winter, winter illnesses, such as colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses, along with predicted Covid waves, become more common.

As a school, we are conscious of doing all we can to support our tamariki, whānau and community to be as well as possible.

As a school, we will continue to:
  • Ventilate spaces and keep them warm
  • Regularly clean surfaces
  • Teach/remind tamariki to cough or sneeze into their elbow
  • Teach/remind tamariki to wash and dry their hands regularly, especially after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing, and using the toilet
  • Mask wearing will continue to be optional for those who would like to 
  • Contact whānau if a child is unwell while at school for them to be collected
As whānau, please continue to:
  • Keep your child at home if they are unwell
  • Encourage them to cough or sneeze into their elbow
  • Encourage regular hand washing

Sandy Hastings' Farewell Assembly

You are invited to join us in officially celebrating and farewelling Sandy Hastings from her role as Principal at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto.

We will be hosting a Farewell Assembly for Sandy on Wednesday the 3rd of July.
The Assembly is for the whole school, and guests, and will run from 2:15-3:00PM.
Following the Assembly we will welcome all staff and guests to join us from 3:00-4:00PM for kai (food) and refreshments.

Please would you indicate your attendance by filling in this form, linked here. We would appreciate knowing numbers, for catering purposes, if you intend to join us after the Assembly.

If you have any photos, memories or messages you would like to share, these can be emailed to

NZ Opera "The Elixir of Love" Performance

This Thursday, the NZ Opera "Opera in Schools" tour visited our kura to perform Donizetti's The Elixir of Love. The performance took place in the hall and NZ Opera introduced our tamariki to the world of opera and the story of The Elixir of Love. 


Please save the date for our Whānau Matariki Evening which is to be held on Tuesday 25th of June, 5:30 - 7:30PM. Further information about this will come out via HERO.

Kura/school will be closed for the Matariki Public Holiday -  Friday 28th June 2024. 

Matariki, the Māori New Year, is typically marked by the rise of the Matariki star cluster in the appropriate moon phase. Some iwi observe the rise of the lone star Puaka as the beginning of the new year.

Matariki takes place in mid-winter from late May to early July. The dates vary according to tribes and geography. The first public holiday to celebrate Matariki was held in New Zealand on Friday 24 June, 2022.

Each iwi has their own stories and perspectives about Matariki and celebrate Matariki at different times. Some hold festivities when Matariki is first seen in the dawn sky; others celebrate after the rise of the full moon or at the beginning of the next new moon.

Today Matariki is generally seen as an important time to celebrate the earth and show respect for the land. It is also a time to acknowledge those who have passed away and to plan for the year ahead. 

Matariki is a good opportunity for all New Zealanders to come together with Māori communities to learn their stories, culture, and language.

To learn more about Matariki, click the link (

Uniform Donations Welcome

We are running low on bigger sizes in the PTA Uniform Shop. If you have any old uniform of any size your whānau no longer uses, please feel welcome to drop this into the Office.

If you are looking to visit the PTA Uniform Shop, the hours are:

Monday 2:45 - 3:15PM
Friday  8:45 - 9.15AM

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Free short-film Amnesty event for 2024 World Refugee Day, 2pm, Sunday 16 June

Amnesty International Christchurch/Ōtautahi warmly invites you to our free short-film event commemorating World Refugee Day, held on Sun 16 June at 2pm at the Christchurch Art Gallery. This is an hour of family-friendly short films relating to refugees & asylum-seekers, introduced by Sir Mark Solomon (Ngāi Tahu/Ngāti Kurī) and followed by an informal community-connection opportunity.

Envirokids Upcoming June Activities

Play the Drums

Beginner - learn to play
Already Play Drums - improve your drumming skills

Private individual tuition
With an experienced drummer who is a Drumsense certified master tutor
Learn Rock, Jazz, Big Band, Funk Dance and Latin Drumming
Tuition available after school and at weekends
Pupils of all ages welcome.
To arrange a FREE introductory session call, txt or email:
Chris Self
027 436 9930
Ottawa Road, Wainoni

Wellbeing sessions for whānau

Future proofing! - what it takes to grow great adults!
Presenter: Anna Mowat, Director and facilitator for Real Parents
Duration: 1.5 hours (with Q&A)
Date: Tuesday 4th July 2024
Time: 7:30pm
Cost: $18 per person

Webinar Overview:
This is our most popular presentation and where we talk about the absolute fundamentals, the key things that our kids need to thrive and grow into great adults. And they're not all what you might think...

We'll take you through:
What it takes to build a strong, connected relationship with your kids,
Identifying your key parenting style and whether this is supporting your kids' best,
And how we can build a child's self-esteem and confidence!


Now in its 33rd year, the annual event offers a plethora of free and affordable activities for young people throughout the school holidays, from 6–21 July. It takes place in Christchurch, Banks Peninsula, Selwyn and Waimakariri.

“Whether they’re musically inclined, fascinated by technology or love being outdoors, there are literally hundreds of activities on offer to stave off any winter boredom,”

“KidsFest welcomes back perpetual favourites like The Christchurch Brick Show, while also introducing a bunch of exciting new events this year. Browse the full list online at and start building your own schedule!

“It’s a great opportunity for children and young people to get out of their comfort zone and have fun experiences during the holidays. Kids can extend themselves in their areas of interest, as well as discover new hobbies and passions.”

Tickets go on sale at from 9am next Thursday 13 June. Demand will be high, so be in quick!
Posted in Weekly Newsletters.