Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 6
- Reports
- Learning Conferences
- Online Safety
- Disco
Student school reports went live on Friday and we hope you have all had a chance to read and look through. There has been a lot of hard work and progress made by our Senior students in the first half of the year and the school reports reflect and celebrate this. If you have any questions don't hestitate to ask your childs' homegroup teacher at our learning conferences.
Learning Conferences:
These are happening this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Appointments are 15mins long and can be made online. You will meet with your child's homegroup teacher, this will include a discussion of the school, any questions you may have and a general check in. We look forward to seeing you!
Online Safety: Gaming
Eighty percent of tamariki in New Zealand aged 8-17 have played games online. Games can have many benefits: entertainment, social opportunities, coordination development, problem-solving and multitasking skills. But, most of all, gaming is popular because it’s fun.
But games can be tough for parents and whānau to navigate. How much gaming is too much? How do I make sure my tamariki aren’t seeing inappropriate content or chatting in-game with strangers?
Today we’re sharing Netsafe’s Online Gaming Whānau Toolkit so you have all the resources you need to keep your kids safe.
YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/rPN_ev1RSDQ
What a great night we had on Friday at the Senior disco! Everyone looked stunning and there were some extraordinary dance moves!