Kowhai Team Week 3 Newsletter

Here is the latest update from Kowhai Team...

Learning About Change

This term we have been learning about how to look after our bodies and what to do to ensure our body stays fit and healthy so it can grow and learn. We have investigated the importance of food, sleep, exercise and water along with how to care for our body and teeth. Our next step is to examine cause and effect. This will look like us asking and answering questions like: What happens if we don't brush our teeth or eat healthy food? We will extend this to looking at what actions we need to do to keep our hub tidy and appropriate for learning. We will also look at how our behaviour choices can affect other people's learning. You might like to talk with your child about cause and effect in different settings too to extend their understanding.

We have started to notice the children starting to creep some non essential items like toys to school. It is important that the children keep these items at home as if they come to school, we are unable to guarantee their safety and would hate to see any precious items get damaged or lost. We would love your support with this to ensure that the children only have the necessary items for school at teach day. These are:
Drink bottle
Home learning folder

Reminder Shoes and Change of Clothes
Due to the very wet state of our grounds, we are actively encouraging the children to bring along a change of clothes and footwear if they intend on playing in the park. If your child likes to play football or games on the grassed areas, please make sure they have a spare pair of old shoes and clothes to change into at school as the park is still extremely boggy at present. 

Library Visits

This term we are lucky enough to be able to go to South Library to read and to issue books. This is a great opportunity to encourage lots of reading while our school library is out of action. The children will be going once every 2 weeks so if your child has a library card, do make sure they take it with them along with their reading folder. We do also encourage you to pack a raincoat on that day as the weather can change very quickly at the moment. If you would like to come along with your child, parent help is always welcome. Just add your name to the following document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xohSV9hfkG48Y5hLUvNfkDipbZJrzBLjZHy5zsK5za4/edit#gid=0

We are also in the need for parent help for Anna and Susan’s home groups. The dates and times are all included in the document link above
We have had extremely successful visits this week, orientating ourselves around the library and finding interesting books to read. Just look how engaged they all are!
This coming week:
This Monday Hub 6 will be going to the library and on Tuesday Hub 9 will be going. If your child has a library card, please send it to school so they are able to issue out books. 

Jewellery MAD Group
We are requiring some extra materials for next Friday's jewellery MAD time group. If you have any of the following you would like to donate please bring it into Rebekah in the East Hub. You you have any donations of fine wire, toothpicks, wool, ribbon, fine elastic, loom

Kowhai Teaching Team

bands, sequins or anything crafty that might contribute to us making awesome jewellery would love your help.

Short Film Festival
Many thanks to all the parents who have emailed to offer their help on Thursday when we go to the Isaac Theatre Royal to see some of the the NZ Short Films. We know this will be highly entertaining for the children and we hope it will spark some enthusiasm for movie making too!
That's all for now

Posted in Kowhai.