Resilience Movie July 2018

Resilience the movie.... about adversity
Relationship of disease and behaviours.
Looking at relationship of abuse... the ten aces adversee childhood experiences.  
Look at ace scores.... 
Adverse Child experiences... ace study.
Exposure to trauma.stressful things affect the health.. not getting to the root it's not a.d.d and medications won't help this. 
Score of 4 or more 32 more times likely to have a behaviour problem at school. 
Tall about  adreleline and cortisol. It takes a toll on the body if you are exposed to it too long. 
Exposure to trauma effects the brain. 
Toxic stress what do we do about it...
Friends to talk too. 
When there is no support.
When you are young you can't pull your socks up. 
How can you plan for future when you are focused on just getting through the day.
Running a programme that is training adults to treat children the right way.
How you feel is how you interact with your children and people around you. If you feel stressed or worried you won't be yourself. 
Use techniques to voice what their worries are will help them maintain their resilience.  
Drama therapy with kiss to help a calmNess. Mis kendra curriculum. 

Screening for an ace score.
What next....
Reduce adversity...home visits to see challenges at home.
Buffering the parent to 
Mindfulness and meditation... help to identify feeling
Sleep hygiene 

Shift it's not what's wrong with you it's what happened to you. 
Knowing about the risk factors and knowing you can do something about it. 

Wwe. Resilience movie. Com

Nadine harrit burke... 

Offering resilience training. Rtlb service


Posted in Kowhai.