Kōwhai News Term 2 Week 10

Kia ora whānau

Here are some key moments from the final weeks of Term 2 in the Kōwhai Team.

Fractured Fairy Tales

As part of our writing focus this term, our literacy groups have been exploring fairy tales and how to 'fracture' or rewrite them to take on a different character's perspective.

The learners in Krystal's literacy group had a surprise this week when Karen brought in a record player from 1960 and played some old-fashioned fairy tales.  They were fascinated by this different form of media that could be used to share stories. 


This term, the Kōwhai students have been developing a digital pepeha. In Māori culture, a pepeha is an introduction that establishes identity and heritage. The children have been learning about the key components that should be included in a pepeha and how to develop, manipulate, store, retrieve, and share this content digitally.


Last week, we held a Matariki evening at school. It was wonderful to see so many parents coming to see the kapa haka group perform and share in our Matariki activities.

Canterbury Cricket

Next term, coaches from Canterbury Cricket will be coming to school to teach the Kōwhai children about cricket. The children will have the opportunity to learn and practise the key skills needed for cricket as part of Canterbury Cricket's Smash Play programme.

School Holidays

We hope you have a wonderful time with your children over the school holidays and we look forward to seeing you all next term.

Kind regards

The Kōwhai Team

Posted in Kowhai.