Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 2


Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 2



  • Passions
  • Parent survey
  • Maths evening
  • Ski Day
  • Cantamath Projects

Passions have kicked off to a flying start this term with an array of choices, something for everyone.
The debaters are having a blast, lots of laughs as we learn the art of debating. We have been learning about the structure of a debate (who speaks when), ettiquette (not talking over one another) and have debated some light hearted topics as a starting point. On Friday we ran two debates: the first was Cats vs dogs, the second Beckenham Te Kura needs longer break times. The affirmative teams took out the win both times. As we progress we will tackle some more serious topics and learn how to research and present our arguments more confidently. I can see there are some budding politicians and lawyers in our midst already!

Parent Survey:
Thanks to the parents who have filled this in already. If you have a chance to, we would love some feedback. Click HERE to share your ideas around learning in the Kauri hub!

Maths Parent Evening:
We are hosting a Maths workshop for all parents of Y1-8 at kura on Thursday, 29th August (5:30 pm – 7:30 pm).

Ski Trip:
Our Mount Hutt ski day is fast approaching!
Please fill in THIS form, so that we can ensure all children are adequately prepared for a great day up the mountain. Our schools package with Mt Hutt includes a 90 minute lesson (at the child's level), lift pass, ski, boot, pole and helmet hire.  Many thanks to the PTA for covering the cost of the buses. The rest of the costs of this trip are covered by your school donation and our cheese roll fundraising. Most of our children will be skiing. Only those who have snowboarded for several days can snowboard. This is because it takes several days to get going on a snowboard, whereas significant progress can be made with skiing in one day.  

Cantamath Projects:
These should be well underway, these are home based projects. We have heard of many great ideas and there is a buzz of excitement around this. Please email your childs' homegroup teacher if you have any questions.

Posted in Kauri.