Whānau Roopu Hui

Tēnā koutou e te whānau,

We would like to offer you a hearty welcome to our first Whānau Roopu hui from 5:30pm to 7pm on Wednesday 26th June in the school staff room.

The hui will coincide with Matariki, a time of renewal and celebration in Aotearoa New Zealand. We think this is the perfect opportunity to have our first hui (meeting), to share some kai, and to korero (chat).

So, nau mai, haere mai! Come along! Take the chance to get to know other tamariki and whānau, enjoy a cuppa and some kai, and get involved in this important aspect of our kura.

Finally, if you are coming along would you please take a moment to indicate your attendance, for catering purposes, on the Google Form (attached).
Whānau Roopu Hui

Ngā manaakitanga noho ora mai,

Steve Cooke and Sampson Karst

Posted in Weekly Newsletters.