Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Schoolwide Newsletter, Rāmere (Friday) 31 May 2024, Week 5

Principal's Patch

Kia ora koutou

A reminder that school is closed this Monday the 3rd of June, King's Birthday.

Mid Year Report and Learning Conference Information

Reports are being published at the end of next week, 7 June, and will be available to view on HERO. Following this, Learning Conferences will be held in Week 7 on Tuesday 11 June and Wednesday 12 June. 

Conferences will start at 1.45pm on both days. To support the availability of staff for these conferences we ask for children to please be collected from school on both days at 1.30pm. Supervision will be available until 3pm for a small group of children. More information about this will come out to you via Hero next week. These conferences will be an important opportunity to connect with your child's teacher and learn more about your child's learning progress and achievement. Your child attends the Learning Conference with you.

Please book a Learning Conference for each of your children by clicking on this link and enter the code usvg6 and follow the instructions. 

If your child is in Steve Cooke's Home Group please book by clicking on this link and enter the code 6ab6s. Steve's conferences will operate slightly differently as he has a professional commitment to facilitate learning for teachers from other schools on those days.

We recommend not booking time slots back to back, in case meetings run over the allocated time.

If you need any assistance to book a conference, please contact Jacky in the office on 03 337 1404 or

Ngā mihi nui
Jo Smith - Tumuaki (Acting Principal)

Important Dates

(you can also find the Community Calendar on our website here)

Fri 31 May - Staff Only Day (kura/school closed)
Mon 3 Jun - King's Birthday (kura/school closed)
Fri 7 Jun - Celebration Assembly, 10:00 - 10:30am, in the Hall
Fri 7 Jun - School Disco (details below)
Tue 11 Jun - Learning Conferences
Wed 12 Jun - Learning Conferences
Fri 21 Jun - Celebration Assembly, 10:00 - 10:30am, in the Hall
Tue 25 Jun - Matariki Evening at Kura, 5.30-7pm
Wed 26 Jun - BoT Meeting, 5.30-7.30PM, Staff Room
Wed 26 Jun - PTA Meeting, 7.30-9.30PM, Green Room
Fri 28 Jun - Matariki (kura/school closed) 
Fri 5 Jul - Celebration Assembly, 10:00 - 10:30am, in the Hall 
Fri 5 Jul - Last day of Term 2

Mon 22 Jul - First day of Term 3

Term Dates: Click here to view  2024 term dates

Citizen of the Week (W4)

Caoimhe Ryan - Year 6

Caoimhe, we love your cheery greetings to the teachers each day, and you are always willing to lend a helping hand to your team. You have a love of learning that is an inspiration to others, and you're always determined to do your very best work. When you put your heart and mind to something, Caoimhe, you are unstoppable! Kei runga noa atu koe.

Citizen of the Week (W5)

Lewis Potter - Year 8

Lewis you are such an enthusiatic and focussed learner, you have a hunger and thirst for knowledge which translates across all curriculum areas. You are an excellent example of someone who pushes and challenges themselves constantly. You are an awesome role model and problem solver. We love having you in our Kauri team!

School Notices


Our school uniform has been designed so that many items are easy wear and available to be purchased at most clothing stores where cost and quality is your choice. We appreciate your support in ensuring tamariki are wearing the correct uniform items to school.

The full uniform can be found on our website, linked here.

Please would you also check the names on your child's jerseys as we have a few missing but named uniform items that may have accidentally been collected and taken to the wrong one home. 

Spare Uniform 

As we head into winter we are noticing the inevitable increase of muddy shoes and clothes as students come back from play and lunch, having played sports and games on the Park (or in the puddles!). If your child is coming home with very muddy or wet clothes, please consider supplying them with a spare pair of school shorts and a spare school top for them to change into once they finish their play. 

PTA School Disco (held in the School Hall)

We’re looking forward to the PTA School Disco taking place on Friday 7th of June in the School Hall... get your dancing shoes and a gold coin ready! The PTA will have chips and popcorn to buy. A named drink bottle of water is recommended.

N/E, Year 1 & 2     2:00-2:45PM
Year 3 & Year 4     4:00-4:45PM
Year 5 & Year 6     5:10-6:10PM
Year 7 & Year 8     6:30-7:30PM

Thank you Lilly-Ann for our awesome Disco posters!

Cyber Safety Information

As our tamariki spend more time online, it’s important parents and whānau help them stay safe. Now is a great time to talk to your tamariki about how we use the internet and digital technology safely.

Netsafe has created the Online Safety Parent Toolkit so parents and whānau have all the information they need to talk about online safety.

If you or anyone in your whānau needs support, or expert incident advice, you can contact Netsafe through the options below:
  • Email
  • Call toll free on 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723)
  • Online report at
  • Text ‘Netsafe’ to 4282

Book Character Dress Up Day

Book Character Dress Up Day last Friday marked the end of our Readathon. Book Character Day is highly anticipated and enjoyed right throughout the school, with staff and tamariki invited to dress up as their favourite book character. The costumes did not disappoint! 

Our colourful Kōwhai crayons!

PTA News

Thank you for getting involved in this year’s Readathon. It has been wonderful to see the tamariki proudly bringing back their forms and sponsorship. I hope some good reading habits have been embedded! We raised a grand total of $4557.30 which will help us towards our fundraising goals of supporting school bus trips and updating the kapa haka uniforms. Thank you to Paper Tree St Martins for helping out with the voucher draw. 

The PTA meet monthly and our next meeting is on Wednesday 26th June so if you think you would like to get involved in helping with fundraising and other fun events around the school then get in touch at

Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto PTA

An insight into the PTA experience from the PTA Chairperson

"In 2016, when my daughter started school, I joined the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) with the aim of giving back to the school community that had been so warm and welcoming to our family. 

As a member of the PTA, I quickly became involved and was soon elected as the Chairperson of the organization. Working alongside a fabulous group of like-minded and passionate parents, we dedicated our time to volunteering and providing support to our school whānau. 

As the Chairperson, I led the PTA in developing and implementing initiatives that would benefit our school community, such as fundraising events, community programs. 

Through my involvement in the PTA, I gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of community involvement in education and the positive impact it can have on everyone involved."  Jason Orchard, PTA Chairperson

BOT Update

In Term 2 we are reviewing topics in the Employer Responsibility Policy section. If you would like to review these policies, and give feedback on the content or implementation, please follow the instructions below.
  1. Visit the website
  2. Enter the username (beckenham) and password (pride).
  3. Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Start your review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type.
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Follow the prompts to show that you've read the topic and enter your feedback if you'd like to comment.
  9. Agree to the privacy statement and click “Submit review”.
If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.

This review closes on July 5th 2024, please get your feedback in before this date.

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Andrea's Sewing, Alterations and Repairs

School Uniform Fittings and Alterations, Repairs
Full Suits and Formal Dresses Fittings and Alterations 
Enquiries Welcome 

My contact details are Ph 0274665646
I am located at 37 Mathers Road Hoon Hay 
My current hours are 8am till 5.30pm  Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.  (Closed Wednesday)

FREE Event for Students: Swimming Have-a-Go Carnival

Canterbury West Coast is excited to announce our second dedicated "Have-a-Go Carnival" event for 2024 on the 16th June at Taiora QEII Recreation & Sport Centre.

The event is open to any swimmer (of any age) who is not currently registered as a club or competitive swimmer with Swimming New Zealand and is capable of swimming 25m without assistance.

Participation is free, and registration is available on our website. Swimmers are welcome to swim in 25m, 50m, kick, and relay races!

Posted in Weekly Newsletters.