Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto Newsletter November 2nd 2018

Principal's Patch

Kia ora e te whānau

Our teachers met after school this week to l'moderate' assessments of samples of children's writing. This is a process that deepens our shared understanding of assessment of writing, which has the potential to be quite subjective and can vary from one teacher to another.
This process feeds into the ongoing assessments for learning that teachers are doing. These assessments support the next learning steps for your child, and the writing of the end of year reports which began this week.

Sound Garden in the Junior play area

There was activity happening in the grassed area next to the junior playground today. Earlier in the year we were gifted some items from the GapFiller SoundGarden project that had most recently been installed on Peterborough St. The two large concrete drums that have been sitting out on the grass are part of this installation.
We have decided to go ahead and reinstate some of the Sound Garden items on a trial basis. This will enable us to evaluate their potential for an ongoing and more permanent place in any outdoor learning space that is designed. We are conscious that they will be quite noisy and a LOT of fun...
Thanks to Gaby Montejo, a parent and one of the artists who designed some of the original pieces, for helping us to reinstate them.

Outdoor spaces

A group has formed to develop some concept plans for the Outdoor Spaces. We are conscious that our junior playground is looking very tired, the sandpit is now a very exciting 'mud kitchen' (that's a technical term 😉) and the grass area adjacent to the junior playground has unrealised potential. The group includes representatives from the Board, PTA, staff and parents. They will be engaging with the children and the community. We look forward to seeing the amazing fundraising efforts of the PTA being put towards the development of exciting, challenging and creative spaces for our tamariki to learn and play in.

New Staff

We welcome Stacey McLachlan to our teaching staff this term.

Stacey has been working one day a week in our New Entrant area so far this term, and on Monday next week will be working mornings with our other New Entrant teachers as the numbers in our New Entrant groups continue to grow.

Strike Action - Wednesday 14th November

New Zealand’s principals and primary teachers have just voted about what to do to get government action on the current crisis in recruiting and retaining teachers.

We’re agreed - we can’t in good conscience accept the Government’s latest collective agreement offer because it does not begin to address the crisis.

We have therefore voted for an unprecedented second strike. There will be nationwide rolling strikes over a week, and our region will be striking on Wednesday 15th November.

Our school will be closed for instruction on that date. While we regret the inconvenience we know this will cause, we need to send a clear message to the Government that we are standing strong for our students.

Already children’s education is suffering because of the difficulty in recruiting teachers and relievers, and we must take bold steps to turn this around. The Government recently announced a $5.5 billion surplus, so there is no reason to make our children wait while the situation deteriorates further.

Through our union, NZEI Te Riu Roa, we are asking for:
  • Smaller classes, so our children can get more one-on-one attention
  • More resources and staffing to adequately support children with additional learning needs – this will benefit all children because teachers will be freed to spend more one-on-one time with every student
  • A significant increase in teachers’ salaries so that they are properly valued for their qualifications and responsibilities, and as a country we can recruit and retain teachers. 
We appreciate your continued support on this important issue. For more information, please go to or talk with your child’s teacher.

Ngā mihi nui

Sandy Hastings
Tumuaki - Principal

Important Dates

Upcoming Events

Wed 7 Nov - Kapa Haka Performance in the hall for all Kapa Haka groups, 6:30 - 7:30pm..            Students to arrive no later than 6:15pm.  Entry by gold coin donation.
Thur 8 Nov - Board of Trustees Meeting, 5:30 - 8pm
Fri 9 Nov - Celebration Assembly, 2:20pm All welcome
Fri 16 Nov - Canterbury Anniversary Day.  School is closed.
Mon 26 Nov - School closed - Staff Only Day

Term Dates

Click here to view 2018 and 2019 term dates.

Citizen of the Week

Archie de Clifford - Year 6

Archie, you are an outstanding role model in the Pōhutukawa Team. Your enthusiasm for learning is evident in everything you do and you are an impressive self-manager. You love nothing more than getting stuck into researching an interesting topic. You bring a wonderful warmth and good humour to all that surround you. Always wonderfully empathetic, you can be relied on to be a fabulous friend to many. Keep shining, Archie.

Lola Harris - Year 4

Lola, you are an exemplary role model and demonstrate all of our school values positively everyday. You go the extra mile with all your learning, striving to do your absolute best, going above and beyond what is asked of you. You are a wonderfully caring, positive and supportive friend, Lola, and we are very proud of how you lead others. Ka pai, Lola!

School Notices

Lost Property

There is an increasing amount of lost property in the bin which is now overflowing onto the rack.  Please come and check and see if any of it belongs to your children. Remember to name any items of clothing that come to school, particularly hats!


The issue of parking and congestion around the school at the beginning and end of the school day is an ongoing concern.  Please be considerate of other road users and local residents and use your common sense.  Yellow lines and time limits on parking areas are there for the safety of everyone.  

Sports News

Harper Ford was recently involved in the first ever baseball game in Nelson.  They are actively recruiting more players so if you are keen to give it a go contact Lynn Togerson 0273388918, or Peter Ford 021894126.
Please click on the following link to read about the game in Nelson.
baseball game in Nelson

Athletics Sports today

A huge thanks to Jenny Diggle and all of the staff and parents who assisted with the running of our senior Athletics day today. We were very pleased that we had made an early call to postpone when the rain was bucketing down at 10am yesterday, and today turned out to be a pretty good day. Our children appeared to enjoy the day, and a number of new school records were created. It was also good to see some of the Year 4 students taking the opportunity to get experience in the senior athletics, in preparation for their opportunity to qualify for zone sports this time next year.
Jenny will share some highlights from the day in the next newsletter.

Congratulations to...

...Keanna Hakeagaiki for her recent achievements in gymnastics. This photo was from end of August when she got 3rd overall in the Canterbury Championships for her Step 3 level. She got 2nd in Vault apparatus and 2nd in Floor exercise apparatus.

This competition was her personal overall best for Step 3. She is now starting her Step 4 level. 

BOT Update

Hui for whānau of Māori students

Thank you to the whānau who managed to attend our hui this Wednesday. We appreciate that there was a clash with increasingly popular local Halloween events which prevented some from attending.
The purpose of the Hui was to assist the Board of Trustees with its self review process in the way that the school supports our Māori students to be successful.
We have compiled some suggestions from the hui to feed into our strategic plan. One area we will be giving more attention to in 2019 is the use of Te Reo Māori across our school in a simple and integrated way, so that all our whānau, staff and students can learn and use it together.

PTA News


Let's celebrate reaching our OUTDOOR SPACES Target. We got there together & we deserve to have some FUN with a capital F!
So please come along with all your Whanau & friends on Sunday 25th November from 2pm, for the BeckenhamTe Kura o Pūroto TOP Team Challenge & Family Picnic, games commence at 3pm

What is the Sports Canterbury Top Team Challenge?- It is a series of team-based activities that promotes cooperation, initiative, problem-solving and communication skills and was originally inspired by the unique environment of post-quake Christchurch & the 1970s Top Towns Competition. The activities are not sport-specific or skill-specific and require using a bit of the old grey matter, adapted for all ages & FUN!!!

The PTA are subsidising this event to ensure ALL can participate. If the $10 fee per TEAM is preventing your family from participating in this Challenge please email & we will assist.

How many members can you have in your team? A max. of 6-8 people including at least 1 but no more than 2 adults. (Adults = 18+). Bring along those big kids/teens too.

If you would like to enter a team please complete this form NOW & guarantee your team a spot:

BIG thanks again to Gail from Platform Design Ltd for a wonderful poster design for our event. And a HUGE Shout out to Corey Harris, from Peak Personal Training (, who has kindly offered his services to lead the warm up for all our teams again.


We are HIRING - Join our TEAM in 2019!
We have TWO Vacancies: Treasurer & Secretary

The primary role for the Treasurer is to manage and control the funds the PTA raises and to maintain up-to-date records of all PTA financial transactions.

The Secretary is responsible for ensuring effective communication links between committee members and between the PTA and the school. The Secretary deals with all the correspondence that the PTA receives and helps the Chair ensure that committee meetings run smoothly & takes the minutes of these monthly meetings.

IF either role interests YOU OR you know someone who would be perfect please contact the current person in these roles to discuss further. Training will be offered for both these roles.
Treasurer: Amanda Wolt:
Secretary: Nicola Arnott:

Community Notices

(Notices placed here are contingent on space and do not reflect the views or opinions of the school.)

Patricia Paul School of Dance

The Patricia Paul School of Dance, your local dance school, is currently giving Jazz and Ballet lessons in your area. The school’s director is teacher, choreographer & ex-ballet dancer Patricia Paul A.R.A.D. (London). Ballet lessons from 3 years through to Advanced, and all levels in Jazz, Tumble and Hip Hop starting from age 7. For all enquiries please phone 372-9191 or email

SwimSmart Survey: Be in to WIN!

You could win a free fun day for your school at Jellie Park (pool and slide) on the 18 December by filling in a short survey around water safety and learning to swim. Each entry increases your school’s chance of winning. Currently only 30% of school age children participate in swimming lessons and the Christchurch City Council’s Swimsmart team are keen to understand parents and caregivers views around water safety and learning to swim.

 Here is a link to the survey -

Mental Health Education and Resource Centre

MHERC are frequently funded to offer free community workshops.  This November we are hosting two free parenting workshops.
Please go to the following links for more information.

EVworld South Public Day

Have you thought about making the move to electric?  Are you interested to learn more about Electric cars or electric bikes?  Visit the EVworld South Public Show on Saturday 24 November at The Air Force Museum in Wigram.

Find out why more New Zealanders are making the switch to quiet, energy efficient electric vehicles.  With FREE seminars running throughout the day covering all things you need to know. There will also be a wide range of e-bikes and e-scooters available to try on the e-bike track.

EVworld South is also hosting EVolocity national schools’ competition and the grand finals will be happening at this event. EVolocity’s schools programme engages teams of students in designing and building an electric vehicle using supplied electric motor componentry kit/s.

Bring your friends, your family and join the EVolution this November!  For more information and to pre-register for the chance to win a Hyundai Kona for a month or a Wattwheels e-Bike to keep - head to

EcoSort Open Day

Ever wondered what happens to the contents of your yellow bin? Come along to the Ecosort Open Day!  Giveaways & prizes, educational for the whole family.
Sat 8 Dec 9am - 12 noon.  21 Parkhouse Rd, Sockburn, next to the EcoDrop.  
For more information call 9418999,

Posted in Weekly Newsletters.