Miniball Term 4 Pioneer

Term 4 Miniball at Pioneer Stadium

Next term, the children in Year 3-4 again have the opportunity to play miniball at Pioneer Stadium on a Thursday afternoon. The games are played at different times each week, from 3.30pm-6pm. At this stage, I am wanting to see how many children are interested in playing and if there are any keen parents that would be able to assist by either coaching a team or managing a team on a Thursday at Pioneer. Please note, there is a small team fee of $35 per person as this is an out of school activity.

Please fill in your details on the form (link below) to give me an indication of the number of children who are keen, and if we have enough parent support, by Friday 8th September. This will determine how many teams I can enter. Due to limited team numbers (8 per team). I will send another email to organise placements and teams in the next couple of weeks.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Posted in Kowhai.