Kowhai News Term 4 Week 1

Welcome back everyone. We hope you've all had a wonderful couple of weeks and we are really looking forward to the term ahead.

This newsletter aims to inform you of the essentials for the start of the term.

We're all back!

It was wonderful to welcome our Senior Students back to the Beckenham site on Monday. Our team are particularly enjoying having the time to  connect and reconnect with new and old friends. A big thank you to Imedha who spoke on behalf of Kowhai Team. You did an amazing job! We were very proud.

School Hats

A HUGE thank you to all the parents who have hunted out school hats. We have been impressed at the very small number of children who have not had hats at school. On the very sunny days, we also encourage you to apply sunscreen to your child prior to coming to school. We have sunscreen for children to use during the day to reapply.

For the next four weeks our school will be engaging in the 'Keeping Ourselves Safe' programme.  Please click on the link above for all the information you will need to know about this programme.
Keeping Ourselves Safe [KOS] aims to teach children the importance of keeping safe in a variety of situations. For this component of learning, the children will be organised into year levels as there is a different programme for Year 3 from the Year 4s.
Constable Ross will visit our classrooms and take 2 of the sessions.  We really appreciate the help of the Police in developing these resources and their support in the teaching and learning programme. If you have any further questions please visit the website or, alternatively ask your child's teacher.

Rehua Marae

Continuing our Te reo learning from last term, the children will be given the opportunity to participate in a powhiri at Rehua Marae. We had hoped to go to our local marae (Rapaki), however, they are still undergoing renovations. Our Rehua Marae trip will be in week 5, and we will send our further information closer to the time.

Pizza Making

Each Monday, the children who received a certificate at our team hui will again be able to make pizzas for their lunch. If you are able to help us with the pizza making, please add your name onto this document. Pizza making will start tomorrow due to the long weekend.


We are fortunate enough to be able to continue our trips to the Christchurch South Library. This term we are planning on using our Literacy Time (10.50am-12.40pm) for these visits. Hub teachers will send out an email asking for 2 parents to assist us on the walk down. Thanks in advance for your support with this.

We Care Day

This coming Wednesday, we are having a We Care Day at school. The children will each pull out a name from a hat and the day will be filled with random acts of kindness. We are sure there will be many wonderful actions from the children. Here are some of the ideas from our Well Being Team.

  • Draw a picture for your person
  • Give your person a compliment or high 5
  • Read a story with your person
  • Write your person a note saying what they are good at
  • Invite your person to spend morning tea or lunch with you
  • Make a bookmark for your person
  • Stick a positive note in their tote tray
  • Make an acrostic poem using their name

That's all for now
Posted in Kowhai.