Hub 5/6 Reading Karate Challenge

This week Paulette and Mike have set up a, Reading Karate Challenge for the children in Hub 5/6 to promote reading. To achieve the various reading belts, your child will need to complete a variety of reading challenges (books). 

Each child in the hub has been given their first challenge to achieve the white belt. To receive the white belt, your child will need to read two picture books. This will take two nights to complete as you can only read one book per night. Once your child has read the two picture books, you need to sign that they have done so and they then need to complete the reading response sheet- "My favourite book." 
This is in their Home Learning book.
Your child can then show this to either Paulette and Mike and they will sign it off and give your child their first karate belt.

The aim of Reading Karate is for the children to read a variety of books of differing genres, and the home reading (chapter book or school book) is for personal reading and enjoyment. Today the children all took out a chapter book from the school library that will be their nightly reading this week. Your child still needs to read for 10-15mins per night. Please continue to fill in the reading log at the front of their Home Learning book. 

The children were really excited about beginning the Reading Karate programme and many have already set the goal to be readying EVERY night! It counts to read on the weekends too! 

Happy reading everyone!

Posted in Kowhai.