In this post:
- Ski Day video
- Koru Games
- Waka Hourua
- Innovation Expo Winners
- Year 8 Photos
Ski Day Video
Thank you to everyone who made our Ski Day in Week 7 such an outstanding success for all. Thanks to the media team who put together the following highlights video of the day:
Koru Games
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this coming week, 50 Kauri students will head off each day to the Selwyn Sports Centre in Rolleston compete in Basketball, Touch Rugby, Kī-o-Rahi, Ultimate Frisbee, and Hockey.
Our students have been really committed to their training sessions throughout the last few weeks, and we've been very grateful for parents who have volunteered their time to coach teams in the lead up to the event. A big thank you in advance to the parent volunteers who will be in attendance next week as well.
If you have any questions ahead of this event, please check the notices sent out by Jenny via Hero, or email her directly.
Waka Hourua Inquiry
The hub has been a hive of creative energy this week as students have worked collaboratively to create their model replicas of traditional ocean-going waka hourua.
Alongside the construction component, students have been tasked with putting together a blurb that supports their model by explaining about the vessel, pacific navigation, and polynesian migration. Some students may need to spend time finishing off this written element over the weekend, and others may need to revisit their work to ensure it's entirely original - we would like to ensure that plagiarism is avoided.
Innovation Expo Winners
You may have seen on the school newsletter that one of our three teams that participated in the Build Ōtautahi: Minecraft Build Challenge at Te Pae's Innovation Expo was the overall winner of their group. All three teams of four students did an excellent job of using Minecraft to design sustainable structures for vacant city centre lots within the 60-minute timeframe. Many thanks to the parents for supporting this opportunity for our ākonga.
Year 8 Photos
It's the time of year where the teachers begin planning for all the end of year celebratory bits and bobs. If you are a parent of a current Year 8 student, can you please email through to Nicky a photo of your child either on their first day of school, or as a five-year-old.