Term 3, Week 6 Newsletter

Next week (Tuesday September 1st), the Christchurch Metro Cricket Association will be sending coaches out to Beckenham School to run 30 minute coaching sessions with our hubs. This will be a fantastic way of learning some cricket skills from the professionals.  These sessions will run outdoors if the weather is fine, and indoors if the weather is wet.  We look forward to their visit and hope the weather is nice!
Please remember to send your child along to school with appropriate sport shoes and clothing.

A reminder to all families that gymnastics is now finished.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed these activities and we have noticed budding gymnasts practicing their moves in the playground!  Thank you to all the parents/caregivers for your support, and for ensuring that your children came to school wearing appropriate footwear/clothing.

New learning topic
Next week is week 7, time is flying by!  Our learning will be moving on, and the next topic we will focus on will be MLE’s.
As you will be aware Beckenham School’s classrooms will soon transform and transition into a MLE (Modern Learning Environment).  Therefore, our focus with the children will be to develop their understandings around the internal and external spaces in which they will be learning.  We will do this by encouraging the children to work collaboratively as we think about our future learning spaces.

Learning Conferences
A big thank you to all those parents/caregivers that attended their child’s learning conference this week.  It was a valuable way to share learning progress with you, and it was encouraging to see so many families attend.  If you haven’t organised a Learning Conference yet, please contact your teacher and we can make a time to meet before or after school to do this.
Posted in Kahikatea.