CELEBRATION- Work is going to begin in 2020!

This week, we have met with the firm Greenscapes who have successfully won the tender to redevelop the main play space. At this stage, the landscaping of stage 1 will being in early January. This will involve the creation of the river, the hill with slide and the pathways in the main play space.
As this is a large area being redeveloped, it will be fenced off while construction takes place. Feel free to pop in to take a look.

We are really thankful to the PTA for the fundraising they have done to make this happen and we are aware that this has been a long time in the making.  Here is the play space plan for your reference.

We will have our first working bee on Sunday 1st March where we will construct the smaller huts for this area. We will send out a form early in Term 1 asking for assistance with the construction of these.
The children will be excited to see the changes in the current playground over the holidays. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas!

BOS Team
Posted in Rebuild.