Kowhai Newsletter Term 2 Week 10

Dear parents and caregivers,

It is hard to believe that we have only one week before the holidays. This term seems to have flown by so fast. Here are the essentials that you need to know for the last week of term.

Scooters at School
We are aware there are some children who have wanted to 'work' on scooters at school. As a school, we do not support or encourage this. From next week on, children who bring a scooter to school are encouraged to bring along a lock so it is secure and to only ride their school in the set areas during break times. If you have any concerns related to scooters, please let your home room teacher know. The safety of children and their belongings is essential. Many thanks.

Art Gallery Trips
All classes in the Kowhai Team are going to the Art Gallery next week. It has been wonderful to have so many parents offering to assist us on these trips. We really appreciate you giving us your time to support this aspect of our learning programme. Here are the details that you need to know:
Tuesday 5th July 
9.30-12pm - Hub 5 and Hub 6 and 7 cross country runners
12pm-2.30pm - Hub 6 and 7

Thursday 7th July
9.30am-12pm - Hub 8
12-2.30pm - Hub 9

Please make sure your child has a morning or afternoon snack to eat while at the Art Gallery and all children need to bring a jacket to wear to and from the gallery.

Science and Technology Fair
On Monday, we have the grand opening of the 2016 Beckenham School Science and Technology Fair.  The opening will be on Monday 4th July from 5.30-7pm. We highly recommend you coming to school to see the exhibits from all hubs across the school. Our team exhibit is our exploration into weather and the impact and problems that changing weather has on our environment and animals. We have followed the technology process to identify a potential problem and create a solution for it.

Zones Cross Country at Hillview Year 0-4
We wish all our runners the best as they race against ten other schools on Tuesday. We know they will put their best effort in. Thanks to Mike and Paul Norton at Hillview School for organising this event for our students. We will put a note in the school newsletter and the team blog to let you know the results.

Spelling and Reading
Next week, as part of our Spelling programme, we are testing the children across the team on their current spelling level. This is to ensure we have all children working at the appropriate spelling level for Term 3.
For reading, we will be focusing on plays. We will be teaching the children some basic drama skills to develop their understanding of their parts (you might like to practise this at home with your child). This will include the exploration into expression, movement and gesture. On Thursday or Friday, these children will perform their plays. All children will be expected to still continue their nightly reading for 15 minutes. Each day, the children will be given the opportunity to take home a browsing box book for reading fluency or to read a chapter book that they have at home.

There are many students that need some stationery items to be updated for Term 3. We will send home a small note to let you know if your child requires more writing stationery next week. We know the children have been working really hard on managing their belongings and are demonstrating the school value 'We Care' by returning their pens and pencils to the rightful place. This is such an important lifelong skill and it is so pleasing to see many children managing this aspect of their learning.

MAD Time
Anna's Envirogroup finally finished their bird houses and bird feeders this week and hung them up in the trees behind Hub 8 and 9. They are awesome. Well done everyone!

Well that's it for now. We hope you all have a wonderfully relaxing weekend ahead.
Kind regards
Kowhai Teaching Team

Posted in Kowhai.