Koru Team News: Term 4 Week 8 (6/12/2024)

 Kia ora e te whānau,

Thank you to everyone who has been applying sun cream before school, we are reapplying before the children go out to Big Play. A reminder that all children need a sun hat every day! If a child does not have a sun hat, they need to play in the shade of the Hall verandah at break times.

It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of our school year! We will be beginning to tidy and sort our toys and resources in preparation for next year. You might even notice our walls will be getting bare as we take the children's work off so they can take it home. 

Returning books

We are collecting back all Literacy reading books from Literacy folders, these need to be brought back to any teacher in Koru. Please have a look around home and bring back all reading books to school for our end of year stocktake. You are welcome to keep your Heart Words and sound packs of cards to keey using at home. All Library books need to be brought back to school too. 

Transition Visits

We have been getting to meet and get to know the children who will be starting in Koru next year, as they have their school visits this week. It is wonderful to see how our Koru tamariki are showing all our school values to make our visitors feel welcome and to show them a fun time at school. 'We Make A Difference'. Our Koru children are also having a couple of visits to look around the Kahikatea Hub and see where they might be next year.

Teddy Bears' Picnic:

On Monday, December 16th, we are planning to hold a fun Teddy Bears' picnic, followed by games, out in Beckenham Park.

At 1:20 p.m., children will wash their hands, put their hats on, collect their lunches, drink bottles and soft toys, and we'll head out to have lunch under the big trees near the Big Adventure playground.

Once they have finished eating, children will be able to choose from a variety of game options: parachute games, Duck Duck Goose, or playing on the Big Adventure playground. 

Please ensure that your child has the following items on Monday, December 16th:

  • lunchbox
  • drink bottle
  • sun hat
  • soft toy (teddy bear or other)

Staying Safe Online

As our tamariki spend more time online, it’s important parents and whānau help them

stay safe. Now is a great time to talk to them about how we use the internet and digital


Netsafe has created an Online Safety Parent Toolkit so parents, families and whānau have

all the information they need to talk about online safety.

If you or anyone in your whānau needs support, you can contact Netsafe.

Ngā mihi mahana,
Stacey, Georgia, Elizabeth, Nicola

Posted in Koru.