School Cross Country

Our whole school cross country is next Tuesday afternoon, May 11th. 

We would love to invite whānau to spectate this event. 

Senior school races kick off the afternoon with the Year 8s starting shortly after 1:30. We then work down the year groups.  
Junior races will not start before 2:15. 

The children have been out practising this week and are becoming familiar with the course they will run. We are also having conversations around developing a positive mindset around participation in cross country. Success can look like many different things depending on the individual. We encourage the children to set goals for themselves based on running their own best race. This is something that you might like to discuss at home. Some potential goals could be:
- finishing the course
- maintaining a run for the whole way round
- pacing themselves so that can finish feeling strong

Children can wear their housetop on this day or may race in their red school polo. Wearing shoes that are comfortable to run in will be beneficial.

After their race, the children can see you for a quick celebration of their efforts and then should head back to their team's area to be supervised by a teacher. We would appreciate it if you can support the children in remembering this step. 

If you are coming to spectate, please leave dogs at home as some children may be afraid of dogs.   
Posted in Kauri.