Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3 Week 7

 In this post:

  • Ski trip
  • Choice 
  • Playground
  • Save the Date Year 8
  • Passions

Ski Trip

A huge thanks to our fabulous parent crew who supported all of our tamariki to have a fabulous day on the snow. Despite the soggy start at school, we were greeted by calm blue skies when we arrived. The children were fabulous. They followed all of the instructions that were drilled into them before we left, enabling the day to flow smoothly. So many children made so much progress; we were super proud of their achievements and attitude. We have a huge collection of photos which the children can access from home to show you. The media team are also working on a video which we will share soon. 


This week each homeroom had two sessions with Constable Meg as part of our teaching and learning around making positive choices around drug use. The children have been learning about the different levels of harm that can be caused by drug abuse and the laws and regulations that exist in our country. The children approached this learning with maturity and posed lots of questions for Constable Meg to answer. Constable Meg encouraged the children to talk openly about what they had been learning with whānau.

Another key message from Constable Meg was about how to react if friends were doing something that they felt was unsafe or could become unsafe: get yourself away from the situation. We know that as children enter their preeteen and teenage years, the perception of what your peers think of you has a huge impact on behaviour and that walking away from your friends takes a lot of courage. We thought we would share a useful strategy with you that you can set up with your child to help them make positive choices when with their friends. How it works is that you agree upon a code word between you and your child. This could be anything from 'bananas' to just an 'x'. If your child is ever in a situation where they feel uncomfortable, they text you the code word. On receiving this text, the parent calls their child and says that they need to pick them up and bring them home. The child can outwardly express their disappointment or frustration about this and save face in front of their friends. We thought that this was a strategy that might come in handy at some point during your child's journey into adulthood. 


Happy first day of Spring! We have been loving this wonderful weather this week and want to make a special mention of all the great lunchtime activities that have been happening. Many students have been playing football with the younger kids and lots of Koru games practises have been happening. We'd love to see this enthusiasm for active play continue. 

Save the Date Year 8

If your child is off to Cashmere High next year, you will want to mark the evening of Wednesday, September 13th from 6pm in your diary. That is the evening that Beckenham Whānau are invited to Cahsmere High to meet with the principal and have your questions answered. More details will be coming to you directly from Cashmere.


We are fully into the swing of our Friday afternoon passions for Term 3. It has been wonderful having Kate Allan come in to take a coding passion. Here are some photos from our 'paper mache clocks' and 'clay' passions. Lots of wonderful learning and fun being had! 

Posted in Kauri.