Kauri Whānau: Important Holiday Messages

We are hoping that everyone has caught up on sleep post camp and that the holidays are going well.

Please get your children to ...

We have two forms that we would appreciate your child completing over the next couple of days.

We are planning to put together a Dunedin camp photo book. This will be a great way to preserve the memories of our fabulous week down south. In the children's survey form there is a box to tick if you would be interested in purchasing a photo book. As well as photos, it will also include writing from the children. Cost will be around $25. At this stage we are just after an indication of numbers. An official order form will come later.

Reading and Maths Groups

This term we will be using a different approach to reading and accordingly have adjusted our reading groups. After gathering student voice about maths, we have also made some changes to maths groups for this coming term. Please remind your child to check the groups display as soon as they arrive at school on Monday.

High School Information

This is the term that we get lots of information about high schools and open days / evenings. We have set up a display in the maker space to share information that we receive.

Currently there are brochures and letters to take from Shirley Boys' High School. Shirley Boys' have a community open night on Thursday May 24th from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. There are also parent information evenings run by John Laurenson, the school principal, on 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th of May, from 6:00 - 7:30pm.

Missing anything?

In the maker space we have laid out all of the unclaimed items from camp. We also have a number of baking containers. Please check the photos below to see if any of your child's property needs collecting on Monday. We are happy to make a future camp supply of any unwanted tea towels.

Posted in Kauri.