Amazing Asia

We have started our Inquiry into Amazing Asia by encouraging the children to generate questions on aspects of Asian culture that they would like to know more about. Here are some of the questions they came up with:

  • How do you count to 100 in Japanese?
  • What does their writing look like?
  • How many countries are in Asia?
  • Are there any things that are similar to what we do in New Zealand?
  • What is the population of Asia?
  • What do they eat?
  • What and how do they celebrate?
  • What does their music sound like?
  • What do their boats look like?
Amazing questions tamariki ma!

We will start our inquiry by looking into our own cultures before looking specifically at Asia. We will then be focusing our inquiry to line up with our 'Make a difference' school value by asking how can we make a positive difference to people who move to Aotearoa from other countries? 

If you have any knowledge or expertise that could support our children in their inquiry, we would love for you to share with us! 
Posted in Kahikatea.